Engaged After 3 Weeks of Dating, Cate Blanchett’s Love Story Proves Anything Is Possible When It Comes to Matters of the Heart

2 years ago

We know of Cate Blanchett from what we see of her on-screen in award-winning movies, like Elizabeth and Bob Dylan’s I’m Not There. She’s a feminist and went through a whole punk-goth phase as a teenager, even shaving her head at one point. But there’s a softer side to Blanchett, and it is apparent when it comes to her fairy-tale romance and marriage with playwright Andrew Upton and their 4 children.

Bright Side is always up for a love story that beats all the odds, and the 53-year-old actress and 56-year-old director make for an inspirational one.

Andrew Upton and Cate Blanchett didn’t like each other in the beginning.

Sparks immediately flew when Cate Blanchett met Andrew Upton, however, they weren’t the romantic kind at first. In an interview, Blanchett admitted that when they were introduced on the set of a TV show in 1996, she felt he was arrogant, and he found her to be aloof. In fact, they were going out with other people at time who both felt something was going on with them, even when it wasn’t.

Once they hit it off, he proposed to her after only 3 weeks of dating.

Mary Evans / Allstar / Graham Whitby Boot / East News

Finally, during a night of poker, the 2 kissed and realized they had something between them. In fact, the director was in the middle of telling Blanchett about how he was attracted to a friend of hers when suddenly, the kiss happened. To explore it, they began to date. That said, the courtship did not last long as barely 21 days into their whirlwind romance, Upton proposed to Blanchett.

She thought she was dreaming his proposal up, but accepted quickly.

Apparently, Blanchett was already there, knowing this was the person for her just 3 days into their dating. So when he proposed, she accepted with alacrity, and the 2 got married in 1997. The wedding may have happened decades ago now, but the marriage is going strong 25 years down the line.

The proposal came because Blanchett couldn’t really cook.

The story of how Upton proposed to Blanchett rests on one very badly cooked dinner. All she had in her fridge at the time was trout, walnuts, and goat cheese, so she stuffed the fish with the 2 ingredients and served it to Upton. He ate it and then got down on bended knee and asked for her hand. She jokes about it today, saying to catch your man, you simply need to give them food poisoning and get them delirious or hallucinating.

The couple went on to have 4 children.

East News, Pacific Coast News / East News

Blanchett and Upton went on to have 3 boys, Dashiell John in 2001, Roman Robert in 2004, and Ignatius Martin in 2008. They always wanted to adopt a girl, so in 2015, they brought home Edith Vivian Patricia, and the actress admits, “She has been an extraordinary blessing for all of us.” While the actress has always loved being a mother, both parties are active parents, splitting duties between them with ease and love.

Blanchett and Upton share beliefs, interests, and work.

SNAPPER / bauergriffinonline.com / East News

You can’t have a more than 2-decade-long marriage and raise 4 children on love alone, and both Blanchett and Upton don’t just love each other, they also enjoy working together. Along with being feminists and sharing the same parenting mantras, they own the production company, Dirty Films. Upton wrote and directed its first project, a short film titled, Bangers, starring Blanchett. The couple has also served as co-artistic directors and co-CEOs of the Sydney Theatre Company (STC) for almost a decade.

She regrets just one thing after almost 25 years of marriage.

With her successful career and a marriage that she describes as a “great love affair” with 4 beautiful children, Blanchett has no cause for regret. But she has a tiny one because she wants to relive her wedding day, simply because they have no photographs of the occasion. Blanchett admits that they could not afford a photographer at the time, so the only memories of their wedding lie in their hearts.

Is your love story as sweet and heartwarming as theirs? Which other celebrity love stories would you like us to write about?


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