Tearful Ariana Grande Admitted She Had “a TON of Filler and Botox” Over the Years and Explained Why She Stopped

year ago

Sometimes celebs hide the fact they are using cosmetic injections in their beauty routine, however, this is not the case for Ariana Grande. The singer recently shared insights into her past use of lip fillers and Botox in her latest video featuring a makeup tutorial. She also explained the reasons behind her decision to discontinue cosmetic injections.

Ariana candidly shared what beauty injections she used to make.

The singer demonstrated her skincare and makeup routines in Vogue’s Beauty Secrets YouTube series. During the segment where she focused on her lips, Ariana Grande candidly addressed beauty standards and connected with her fans on a personal level.

“Full transparency, as a beauty person, as I do my lips, [I’ve] had a ton of lip filler over the years and Botox. I stopped in 2018 because I just felt so... [it was] too much. I just felt like hiding, you know,” she said in the video.

The singer went emotional describing why she did it.

In the video, the 30-year-old Ariana paused her speech with her eyes welling up with tears. She opened up, saying, “I didn’t expect to get emotional.” She went on to share her journey, revealing, “For a long time, beauty was about hiding for me, and now I feel like maybe it’s not since I stopped getting fillers and Botox.”

The Wicked star elaborated, explaining that she had also been using makeup as a form of “disguise” and as something to “hide behind.” She described how she relied on “more and more hair” and “thicker” eyeliner as part of this pattern.

Ariana thinks people should do what makes them beautiful.

Byron Purvis / AdMedia / Sipa Press / 1005281507/ East News, Angel Dust/face to face fot. Face to Face/Reporter / East News

“I think as I get older, I don’t love that being the intention behind it anymore,” she said. “I think of it as self-expression now and accentuating what is here. Our relationships to beauty are so personal. Like, we’re here talking about beauty secrets. Isn’t the secret that we all just want to feel our best and be loved?”

She openly acknowledged that perhaps “one day” she might consider getting Botox or lip fillers again. Ariana Grande emphasized the importance of individuals pursuing what makes them feel beautiful, stating, “People should do whatever makes them feel beautiful.”

However, at this moment, the singer expressed her desire to embrace her “well-earned cry lines and smile lines.” “I hope my smile lines get deeper and deeper and I laugh more and more,” she shared referring to the process of aging as “beautiful.”

This isn’t the first time when Grande got candid about her appearance. Recently, the star confronted some body-shaming comments and responded to the criticism with grace and a composed state of mind.

Preview photo credit Vogue / Youtube, Byron Purvis / AdMedia / Sipa Press / 1005281507/ East News


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