“Grow Up,” a TikToker Calls Out to Women Who Go Out Without Makeup and the Comments Are From Another World

7 months ago

As society continues to evolve, so do the standards of beauty and the expectations placed on women. Recently, a TikTok video has gone viral, calling out women who go out without makeup. The video has sparked a debate on social media, with many women feeling frustrated and exhausted by the constant policing of their bodies.

Sabrina made a bold statement.

In a viral TikTok video, influencer Sabrina made a bold statement: after a certain age, it’s “unacceptable” to go out to a dressed-up event without makeup.

I don’t care how pretty you think you are with the bare face,” she said. “We all think we’re beautiful with a bare face, right? But there’s a time and a place for a bare face. Not everywhere is bare face—susceptible.

Most comments disagreed with her.

Sabrina’s comments have sparked a debate on social media, with some people agreeing with her and others arguing that women should be able to wear whatever they want, makeup or no makeup.

  • So deny me at the door,commented one girl.
  • Bare Face is the new beauty,” shared another, suggesting that the trend is moving towards embracing natural beauty.
  • That’s called confidence!” commented another.
  • No rules. Do what you feel but don’t judge others for what you deem necessary,” wrote another, emphasizing the importance of allowing individuals to make their own decisions about makeup without criticism.

Others agreed with her.

Those who support Sabrina’s stance argue that makeup is a way to show respect for oneself and others. They say that going out to a formal event without makeup can make you look disheveled and unprofessional. “Grow up,” Sabrina said. “Learn how to do makeup.

  • One user came to her defense, stating, “Grown women understand. She’s not referring to everyday situations, but for events like weddings, it is important to do your makeup!
  • Another individual applauded her, saying, “Girl, you made a point.
  • Yet another user chimed in to show agreement, simply stating, “Totally agree.

With or without makeup, you are beautiful.

Ultimately, the choice to wear makeup is a personal decision for each woman. However, Sabrina’s remarks have ignited a discussion concerning the societal standards imposed on women’s appearance, particularly as they age.

While these comments may be thought-provoking, they also reflect a common societal pressure for women to wear makeup, especially in formal settings. This pressure can be detrimental, as it reinforces the notion that a woman’s value is solely based on her physical appearance.

face to face/FaceToFace/REPORTER/East News, © ashleygraham / Instagram

It’s important to remember that women should not be shamed for their choices about makeup. Whether or not to wear makeup is a personal decision, and there is no right or wrong answer.

Women should feel confident and beautiful in their own skin, regardless of whether they choose to wear makeup or not.

In a surprising twist that challenges Sabrina’s TikTok video, our next article takes you behind the scenes of Hollywood’s most glamorous events. Discover the empowering celebrities who prove that self-confidence and natural beauty can outshine any makeup artist’s touch.


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