Here’s Why It’s a Good Idea to Wrap Your Doorknob With Foil

Tips & tricks
2 years ago

The longer you live, the more you know. This is especially true for home tips that can become life changing. Today, we found one interesting hack for you that could be useful in some situations.


mudkung / Depositphotos

If you have ever had a problem with the thermal insulation of your main door, then aluminum foil can be very helpful. This material is an excellent heat conductor, which means after wrapping your knob, it will keep your house cooler in summer and warmer in winter.


Second, this manipulation can help prevent unauthorized entry. Whenever someone tries to open the door illegally or without your permission, the doorknob with foil wrap will make it difficult for them to open the door.


Kurita1014 / Depositphotos

It simply keeps the doorknob from becoming damaged. Aluminum foil wrap can help during renovation or other work in the house, including when opening the door.

Have you ever heard of an aluminum foil hack? What hacks do you use?

Preview photo credit BRIGHT SIDE / YouTube


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I'm just not sure there's enough information about why wrapping your doorknob with foil will keep someone from opening your door. If it's outside, couldn't they just peel it off, and if it's inside how would that prevent anyone outside from coming in? It just seems really weird to me how it would be very helpful.

year ago
The comment was deleted. Go home guys.
11 months ago
Shhh! The comment is asleep.

They may not be telling us something,like has to do with an extension cord and a welcome mat.
And a closed circuit


If you had a sleepwalker in residence I see where it might be a helpful thing to do to keep them from getting a good grip on the handle and going out.
Other than that I can see it serves no real purpose. We have a cat that opens doors so tried it for that . Useless. He removed the foil and left .. so theres that


Cats do have a little known ability...they can jump.

Another little known cat trait...they have claws.

Add the two and the foil doesn't stand a chance.


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