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Anyone who says a friendship between a man and a woman is impossible has clearly never heard about the relationship Nicole Kidman and Colin Farrell share. It took way too long for these actors to finally work together, but once they did, it was clearly fate. Keep on reading to learn all about their lovely friendship.
You might be as surprised as us to hear that Hollywood old-timers like Nicole Kidman and Colin Farrell didn’t work together until 2017. Considering their popularity, it’s almost impossible for us to believe that their paths hadn’t crossed creatively before then, but it’s true. It seems that the universe recognized this blunder and put Farrell and Kidman not just in 1 but 2 movies that year.
In 2017, Kidman and Farrell shared the screen for 2 major productions: Yorgos Lanthimos’ The Killing of a Sacred Deer and Sofia Coppola’s The Beguiled. Both movies received accolades from the Cannes Film Festival and admiration from our hearts all thanks to Kidman and Farrell’s on-screen chemistry.
Interestingly, Kidman and Farrell’s collaboration didn’t remain strictly professional, as the 2 connected incredibly well on a personal level too. What helped was the fact that Farrell made Kidman feel very comfortable around him. In particular, The Killing of a Sacred Deer included a few intimate scenes between her and Farrell, which is always nerve-wracking. However, the actress noted that she felt perfectly “safe” around her film partner.
Kidman mentioned that being intimate with your co-star on camera is always an awkward experience, so she was happy to get through it with someone who made things feel like a breeze.
After working on 2 movies together in the same year, as well as attending promotional gatherings and film festivals for them, Kidman and Farrell became very close. In 2023, Farrell was honored by TIME magazine, which included him on their Top 100 Most Influential People of 2023, and they chose Kidman to write a dedication about him.
She started off by calling Farrell both her “knight in shining armor” and “her partner in crime.” Kidman continued to say how much she admired his professionalism and how obvious it was that he’d had 30 years of experience in acting. She wrote that she was very grateful for his openness toward her and that she felt very “protective of him.” We can all only dream of our colleagues saying something so incredibly kind about us.
While it took a while for Kidman and Farrell to work together, there are some Hollywood pairs who’ve been collaborating for decades and support each other through thick and thin. For example, Julia Roberts and George Clooney first worked together on Ocean’s Eleven (2001) and went on to appear in over 5 movies together. While nothing ever happened to them romantically, they have become close friends and even refer to themselves as “goofy nuts.”
And when it comes to colleagues who did cross that romantic line and found their eventual way to friendship, we have Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez. The 2 briefly dated after working on the first Fast & Furious film together. Even though their intimate relationship didn’t last, the franchise did. And now, after over 2 decades of working on these films, Diesel and Rodriguez are still as close as ever, platonically, of course.