How Your Relationship With Your Mom Can Change Over Time

Family & kids
4 years ago

People say that a mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. But what if, as time goes by, you become more and more like her? Over the years, a mother’s relationship with her children can grow to become something very different than what it was at first. As she grows older, children grow wiser, and after a while, in most cases, the roles are reversed. For example, think about something your mother always used to tell you. That’s probably something you tell her very often now.

Bright Side wants to present you with 9 illustrations, showing some before and after moments of a mother’s relationship with her children as time goes by. But at the end of the article, you’ll find a bonus that reminds us that no matter how many years go by, there are some things that never change.

1. Before, moms had to make sure their kids were warm, and now it’s their turn to make sure their moms don’t catch a cold.

2. Before, moms taught their children how to use a pencil. Now, it’s them teaching their moms how to use a cell phone.

3. As teenagers, the relationship with moms used to be kind of stormy, but now they’ve become best friends.

4. Before, mothers took their children to the doctor, and now it’s them taking their moms in when they’re not feeling great.

5. Before, mothers took their children to the store to buy clothes, but now children teach them how to buy clothes online.

6. Before, mothers would find keys and other missing belongings. Now, children find the items that moms lose.

7. Before, mothers used to ask their children to call them when they arrived somewhere, but now it’s their children who ask them to call when they get home.

8. Before, moms used to comb their daughters’ hair. Now, their daughters comb theirs.

9. Before, moms begged their children to eat enough fruits and vegetables. Now, it’s their children asking them to eat healthily.

Bonus: Before, moms could always sense what was up with their kids and what they were thinking. And now, they still do!

Can you tell us in what ways you’re like your mother? What do you do for her now that she used to do for you when you were a kid? We’ll be waiting for your answers in the comment section.


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That article perfectly depicts how a good parenting relationship

grows... Not every relationship between a parent and a child is that good though..


Very emotional article for me... My mom got really sick 2 years ago. She isn't that old but she got sick and she really needed me the most. I returned to my home country to take care of her for almost a year. I never regretted it and now she is safe sound and happy :)


Well bottom line....Me and my mother never get along never have never will. She is emotionally abusive towards me from when I was a kid and still is today. She will never stop in insulting me is always finding something nasty to say to me weather it be about the way I look, my weight, what I eat or wear. It never ends. So this being said in relation to the article, the relationship between parents and their kids are not always picture perfect, aside from all that why is this article purely based on just the Mother, a father does exist in children's lives as well.


They couldn't have drawn the teenager relationship better, I love the "phase" she is in


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