12 People Share ’’Horror Stories’’ About Their Exes

John, a 26-year-old from Los Angeles, is contemplating ending his nearly 5-year relationship with his girlfriend, Sarah, 76. The cause of this consideration stems from Sarah’s recent activity of posting bikini pictures of herself on social media. But the real problem isn’t the bikinis—it’s the feeling of betrayal he’s experiencing.
In the early stages of their relationship, John used to occasionally post pictures of his artwork on social media. However, Sarah felt uncomfortable with this and asked him to stop. John respected her feelings and stopped sharing any more pictures of his artwork.
In exchange, John communicated his desire to Sarah not to post bikini pictures, a request she agreed to honor. Despite John’s limited social media usage, he had never explored other platforms beyond the ones he occasionally used (only Twitter, actually).
A few days ago, while spending quality time with his girlfriend Sarah, John stumbled upon an unexpected revelation. Sarah happened to be scrolling through TikTok when a photo of her in a bikini caught John’s eye. Initially taken aback, John wondered if it was an old picture. However, the image lingered in his mind, prompting him to download TikTok on his phone later that day to investigate further.
Much to his dismay, when John searched for Sarah’s profile, he found several recent bikini pictures and a couple of provocative posts. It left him feeling angry and frustrated, especially considering their agreement not to share such images. What made it even more hurtful was the fact that Sarah had been so vocal about respecting her wishes regarding his artwork, yet she seemed to have no qualms about disregarding his feelings when it came to her own posts.
Ever since that night, John has been giving her the cold shoulder, explaining his upset briefly before ceasing communication altogether. She seems to be emotionally shattered by this. Today, she sent pictures of herself, looking visibly distressed. John, feeling overwhelmed by the ongoing tension, is even considering breaking up with her.
John doesn’t know if it is genuine or if it is some kind of manipulation. And here’s what we think:
Remember, you’re doing what’s best for you both in the long run, and that’s what truly matters.