I Followed My Gut About My Husband and His Phone, and Now I’m Livid

11 months ago

Psychologists strongly advise people in a relationship against snooping. We probably all know it’s a bad habit, but only a few of us can resist the temptation completely. For our today’s heroine that «harmless» glance on her spouse’s phone unearthed shocking revelations. She wrote a letter to our editorial, asking for advice on how to proceed with her marriage and if it’s even worth saving it.

The relationship in the family was healthy, until one day.

A woman, 35, wrote a letter to our editorial, telling us about her uneasy life situation. She was wondering if we and our readers would do the same as she did in such devastating circumstances, or if we’d have chosen another solution for her problem.

She began her story, by saying, that she and her husband have been married for over 10 years now. Her husband, Rick, has been recently going through a big career change, which also means a change in their family’s life to a big extent.

The woman said that recently Rick has been going out more than ever before.

She wrote, «I really want and try to support my husband every time he wants to do something social, but with a toddler and my current high-risk pregnancy I have certain limitations. Because of that our marriage has even been strained for a while.»

A couple of months ago, Rick went out to dinner, which continued in a bar, and then it all turned into a night out and Rick didn’t get home until 4:30 am.

The woman wrote, «Please note, that even when we were younger and didn’t have kids, my husband didn’t stay out this late. I woke up to an empty bed and was shocked when I found out he wasn’t home at 4 am. I called Rick and told him he needed to come home as soon as possible. He didn’t protest and came back, but when he got home my insecurities prompted me that something was wrong with him.»

The woman wanted to find out why her husband was behaving strangely.

The woman goes on with her story, saying, that she started noticing that Rick was spending more time than usual on his phone. They had a very warm relationship and used to trust each other, and the woman confessed that she had no reason for thinking he was unfaithful to her or something. She simply asked to look at his phone.

The woman wrote, «He gave me his phone without doubts and it comforted me a little bit. When I opened his Instagram, I saw that he had followed a very beautiful woman and she followed him back. I asked him if this was the person he was on that day with until 4 am.»

Rick seemed to have a good excuse for this incident. The woman wrote, «He replied he had met her earlier in the night and they just had a small talk as friends because she just moved to our city after a painful divorce.»

The woman was uncomfortable with that excuse and insisted that her husband shouldn’t behave like that.

She said, «I asked him to block her because I’m uncomfortable with their so-called friendship. He started calling me crazy and said he would not block her. He insisted that it was innocent and he could have female friends.»

But the woman insisted on her position. She explained, " I said that of course I might be crazy and hormonal (I was 6 months pregnant). And I did feel insecure and I wasn’t okay with this. I just took his phone and blocked her from his Instagram. He slept in another room that night."

Another incident almost ruined the woman’s family.

The woman goes on with her story, saying, that since she blocked the lady from her husband’s IG, she hasn’t been feeling well.

She had this urge to check her husband’s phone all the time. She explained, «I know that snooping through Rick’s phone is a breach of his trust. But one day I did it anyway. This happened about 1 week ago. My husband went to hang out with our neighbor, who is male and married. I somehow had this gut feeling to snoop through Rick’s phone. When I did, I was shocked. Because what I found was informative, infuriating, and simply heartbreaking.»

The woman said that the first unpleasant discovery was that her husband had unblocked and refollowed that woman. Earlier, they talked about everything and he swore that they even don’t communicate anymore and their social network accounts are also not in any interaction.

The fact that her husband lied to her, made the woman mad and she was sure she would find something even more unpleasant while looking into their actual correspondence.

The woman read through her husband’s correspondence and found out the shocking truth.

While reading through the messages that her husband sent to this woman (her name was Alice), our heroine discovered that he was of course cheating on her with his colleague. But this was something she was already prepared for.

She says, «I somehow knew, even before reading these messages, that they had an affair behind my back. I was ready for this and I just received the confirmation of it now. But what was a real shock for me, a bombshell that I’ll never be able to forget, is that this woman had claims on our yet unborn baby.»

The woman explained that her husband complained to his mistress that his wife was having a difficult pregnancy. Alice, his mistress, took this information seriously, but not because she was concerned about Rick’s wife.

The woman wrote, «This nasty woman, who already stole my husband, was hoping that I would either die while giving birth or become handicapped. What an evil thing! What is more, she was plotting how she would then be a perfect mother to our baby and how they’ll arrange full custody of my yet unborn kid.»

The woman revealed that Alice was infertile, but she was dreaming of having a baby. This way or that, this woman just decided to come to her family, ruin it, and steal everything from her, including her baby. That was very hurtful and at the same time disgusting and horrifying information.

The shocked woman doesn’t know what to do now and wants at least some advice.

We’re very grateful to our anonymous reader for telling us her story and for her trust and time.

We’d advise the woman to seek help from somebody who’s the closest to her family and who would understand her and take her side. She must take care of her pregnancy first and be sure that she’s safe while giving birth to her baby. In the meantime, there might be a serious reason for reporting the husband and his lover to the police. The woman might use the screenshots of their communication and just make sure that her husband and his mistress aren’t plotting anything evil against her.

We’d also advise the woman to find out her husband’s opinion about everything and if he was going to end this affair or proceed with it in a way that his lover suggested.

And here’s a story of a woman who found a tampon in her boyfriend’s room and used it to find out if he was cheating on her.

Preview photo credit Jenny Ueberberg / Unsplash


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I just reread the advice from bright side again and i really think that telling her husband is not a good idea. His lover said that and he went along with it even if he said nothing it was an agreement. Get away from him asap. Also keep your toddler close to you. Try to find a picture of her if you dont know what she looks like so that you are safe when shopping and such. Keep safe sweetie , things will get better. I am now a Grandma and i am single and i love it this way, but you will find another and be truly happy. Good luck and take care.


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