I Hired a Cool Nanny For My Kids, But Then I Accidentally Revealed a Disgusting Truth About Her

Family & kids
4 hours ago

While looking for a nanny, probably all parents become super-selective, extremely careful and demanding. And finding a good one feels like winning a lottery. Ella, 33, sincerely believed she was an extremely lucky person to have found an amazing and super-professional caregiver for her little kids. But then, the woman made a shocking discovery about her so much treasured nanny. Now she doesn't know what to do with this accidentally revealed truth.

Ella is a single mom of 2, who works a lot and faces many challenges.

Ella, 33, is our devoted reader. The woman has faced a pretty intricate situation in her life, and now the desperate woman really doesn't know how to act further. She decided to share her story with our numerous readers and expressed hope that there will be some good pieces of advice in the comments.

Ella opened her letter, saying, "Hi, Bright Side! I want to share my story with you, as I recently appeared in a very tricky and awkward situation. It all started with me being in a need of a good nanny for my 2 kids, who are 2 and 3 years old. I am a single mom, and I've been raising them alone, with my ex-husband not being in the picture all this time."

"I'm literally responsible for everything, being both their mom and dad, their caregiver and of course their financial provider. I work hard to make sure they have everything they need for a healthy and happy childhood. My parents have been helping me a lot with the kids, up until recently. 6 months ago, they both got into a car accident and since then, I've been on my own with the kids, because my parents are still recovering."

Ella urgently needed to find someone to take care of the kids.

Ella goes on with her story, saying, "Since my parents were not able to help me with the kids, I had to arrange a home office in no time, and I worked from home for a couple of months, combining work with taking care of my babies. It was hard, and I was feeling exhausted, but at that time I didn't think of hiring a nanny, this thought came to me later, when I was urged to go on an important business trip. And this was the moment when the 'find a nanny' challenge began for me."

"So, last month I had to hire a nanny for my 2 kids very urgently. This is how I met Anna, who turned out to be a real treasure for me and my babies. She was better than Mary Poppins, I appreciated her professionalism and didn't have the smallest doubt that she'll cope with my kids perfectly."

Anna was a precious finding for Ella, but an unpleasant discovery ruined it all.

Ella wrote, "I felt like I really won a lottery after I met Anna. I was also proud of myself that I didn't follow any of my friends' recommendations and found a perfect nanny for my kids on my own. But now I wish I've never met her, here's why."

"A few days ago, I discovered with shock that this highly professional and amazing nanny was actually a mistress of my best friend's husband. I revealed it accidentally, while showing photos of Anna with my kids to Sarah, my best friend. When Sarah saw Anna on a photo, she turned pale and told me that she used to be a nanny for her kids, too, for some very short period of time a couple of years ago. And she seduced her husband, Paul, and took him away from the family."

"I did know that Sarah's failed marriage was due to some arrogant nanny, but I couldn't even imagine that this nanny was Anna. I was literally shocked and dumbfounded."

Ella has a dilemma now, which she cannot solve.

Ella wrote, "Of course, Sarah urged me to cut all ties with Anna immediately. I'd happily do it out of solidarity with my best friend, but, on the other hand, I can't do it now. I really appreciate the job, which Anna is doing for me and my kids. She's an amazing nanny, I am afraid I won't be able to find someone at least distantly as professional as she is."

"I feel like I'm being torn to pieces. My friendship with Sarah may be jeopardized if I don't throw the nanny out of my house. And my wellbeing and comfort may also be under a big risk if I lose such a treasure as this nanny proved to be."

"I don't know which way to go and sincerely need advice on my future steps here. What should I do?"

And here's yet another story of a woman, who had to literally throw her own husband out of the house because of the nanny. Read more to find out what the poor woman saw in her husband's phone that made her hate the husband, not the nanny.

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