Crowd funding is a great option for the child
I Refuse to Sacrifice My Happiness to Save My Grandson
We all strive for our families’ well-being and happiness. However, there are times when we must prioritize our own needs. Betty, a 72-year-old widow, had been eagerly saving for a long-awaited trip. Her plans were upended when her grandson fell seriously ill, and her family requested the money she had set aside. Betty’s refusal to assist led to a dramatic conflict. She has now written to us seeking advice.
Here is Betty’s letter:

I would have been the last person on the earth to be selfish and enjoy myself. I would have preferred to give even my last penny to save my grand child.
I would give my last penny for my kids or grandkids.
My grandchildren mean more to me than a cruise or life itself.I would sacrifice anything for them.
truly its that generation . family is so much higher than a vacation. hopefully they do keep this person well away from younger . don't want to have younger learn that habit of selfishness
Because they don't want to spent their vacation money on the kid. your son has some nerve!! it's not your responsibility to pay his debts.
It says "the treatments" are expensive, so I'm going to assume that he will be fine but the parents will go into debt paying for his treatments, that comes with having kids. Blackmailing the grandmother with "you'll never see us again" is horrible. This lady has one foot in the grave and wants to spend some time with her sister before she can't and she never ask them to give her money for this trip, (I'm pretty sure she's done a lot for them to where that would even be a reasonable request) but now that they've run into some money problems they not only expect her to just hand it over, they threaten her with "withholding love"??? What is that? Go get a lone from the bank, and let grandmom go on a trip with her sister.
This is senior abuse and manipulation! The law would be on your side! It's called the "Bank of Mom". I don't think you're wrong to go on a cruise and your son's behaviour is inexcusable. He obviously feels "entitled".
well just keeps them off the HOOK when her time comes...hope shes prepared nah she won't be...selfish people never save for a rainy day
with that attitude from your son, go an enjoy your trip.
Your grandson is your blood. If I were I will sacrifice my pleasure for the life of precious grandson.
There are still limitations. Its like owning an animal. If you cant afford to raise your child then dont breed!
By that logic no one should ever have a child. You have no idea if your child is going to get cancer or be born with a heart condition. Maybe you're not from the US but stuff like that will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars even with insurance here. A lot of treatments aren't covered by insurance at all.
It's not life-threatening, it's treatments. Hospitals make payment arrangements all the time. Her son is selfish to ask this of his mother, he just doesn't want the debt to the hospital.
How do you know it's not life threatening? It just says treatments. Even chemotherapy is considered a treatment to treat an underlying life threatening situation
Enjoy your trip. There is insurance, hardship loans, hospital assistance,Medicaid, etc. I would be ashamed to ask my mother who has been saving for years to sacrifice her trip.
"Hospital assistance?" You're not in England and there's no such thing as a NHS here. Medicaid is for the poor, not the middle classes. What you're saying is "freeload off your neighbors while selfish mum has a great time."
Hiw do you see this: freeloding of your neighbours?
You'd be selfish to even ask! Its her money not yours and hers!
No his mum is not selfish. I'm sure she's sacrificed plenty of times for that son and that is why he wants her money. The son is the selfish one. Let him get assistance somewhere else that he may or may not have to pay back.
The smirk and threats would have done it for me to be honest. Does your son's family not have adequate health insurance? You do realize that most children's health insurance will pay for most if not all of your grandsons care? Most hospitals can tap other providers like Shriners and non-profit groups associated with the illness he is being treated for as well as gas/hotel vouchers, assistance with rental/mortgage, electric ect., are you sure your money is needed, or if this is your son knowing you have the extra cash and is using his child to bully you so he does not have to ask for help from organizations set up for this purpose? Additionaly, as he is asking for your money you have the right to ask where said money is going, and even make those payments yourself as you are not likely to get it back from someone who is not beyond be manipulative and cruel when demanding you just had it over or else. If he refuses to give any info and proof of where your money will be spent, I would go on the trip and let him figure it out. Even a part time job would be on the table before asking a relative for money that I might not be able to to pay back or can pay over time as his son will not be denied care in the interim.
You clearly know nothing about American healthcare. Medical bills are the number 1 reason people file for bankruptcy. The average cost, after insurance, for cancer is 50k in the first year. More difficult to treat diseases can run you over a million dollars.
I don't understand your son, why hasn't he and his wife saved up money or did a go fund me for the kid. Why would I make you choose a trip over your grandchild when if I'm responsible I have saved like you.
Is this a fabricated story?
First of all: My family would never ask for my money - I would offer it immediately. But that's me and my relationship with my kids and grandchildren.
Personally I would give all that I have. Then I would try and raise money for a cruise later. I really hope the grandson is well and that she get the cruise she always wanted.
I can't understand anyone that would put fun over the life of a child that is the most heartless thing I ever heard what if the child dies your fun will last for 2 weeks but the child will be dead you will carry this for the rest of your life how could you not know this at your old age put your self in that child's place how would you feel if your grand parent did it to you wwjd you have to die and face the lord better wake up
What a stormy ride!!!, I personally feel like this is a test, this lady is going through. I respect all these comments and I agree with both sides of the story. I believe that you asked for advice because you are a kind person after all.
If I was in your shoes, I would use my savings to pay for the ill child.... You might be an angel that was being set up to be ready to rescue, you have an opportunity to do it, you are the only one with a life raft in your hands.
It's your money, spend the way you want to; if they don't want to let you meet with their kid, it's their decision and they have the why to fuss about it? Your husband died before you for a reason:) get sun tan on cruise just promise me that you gonna wear bikini thong..... ( I personally think this is a fabricated story to spice up comment box)
Oink oink.
Personally, I would gladly help my grandson. I couldn't live with myself if something bad happened and I did nothing to help.
Yes your are the most selfish person I've ever seen. What a hateful self centered person
I am a grandmother and I would sell my kidney if my grand baby had cancer and needed money how do you weigh your grand baby to a week vacation really lady there is something wrong with you!!! What that kid is going thru and will have to endure is unimaginable and you’re worried about a vacation!!! You are 72 years old have you never taken a vacation I doubt it but your grand baby has never had cancer and needs all the love and support he can get!!! Start a go fund me page do some other fundraiser HELP your son and family you are so selfish
And I’m just taking a stab in the dark that the grandson has cancer because I’ve worked in onc/heme for many years and it’s screaming cancer to me either way the boy is gravely ill help him!!!
Who said it had cancer and doesn't the father have health insurance
People saying not enough info? 8 yrs old, grandson Gravely Ill and vacation instead is all the Info needed. I hope you go on your cruise and you enjoy yourself while you're grandson is suffering and could die but remember this when you are in a dank nasty nursing home dying alone because you chose to go on a cruise 🤘
Son wouldn't take care of her anyway and son should have health insurance and if not medicaid
Not everyone has health insurance! Don't you watch the news! It's a real thing
Medicaid is not for middle classes.
Yeah but why haven't the parents saved the money, is it because they went on trips and used grandma as a babysitter
Or could it be a lay off? Maybe a bankruptcy? How about the loss of a business due to covid? No matter what reason imo your obvious cynicism does not allow you to make a fair and open minded judgment.
Do you have 50k in your savings account?
The reality of it is if she gives the money or not if she ends up in the nursing home she will be alone because her selfish son will not visit her at all.
I work in hospitals and previously in a few Nursing Homes,and for experience.Most sons and or daughters they wont hesite in putting you their parents in a nursing home if you become a little bit of nuisance and you will be in their way,even if u r very close and they love you , but they wont love you enough if you are an inconvenience and your condition will interfier with their ability to their social,work or family
That Son of you will
Wow, just wow. I too worked in an establishment with assisted living on one side and skilled nursing on the other and I found the exact opposite as you.
Betty your son and daughter in-law have decided that they should have a family and they should be responsible for them, if they need more money then they should get second jobs , third jobs, work from home jobs at night after you finish your other jobs down size homes, move closer to hospital, sell their cars get cheap ones, take out a loan, refinance your homie there are so many things they could be doing rather than ask their mother who raised and sacrificed for him to spend money it took YEARS TO SAVE he should be ashamed of himself I am sure you have taken your grandkids for weekends over nights and baby sat during days you do your part I am sure meanwhile you probably aren't paid for those times they are adults they need to take responsibility for their kids there is even charitable organizations to help let you enjoy your hard earned money YOU DESERVE TO HAVE YOUR TIME NOW THEY ARE GRANDKIDS NOT KIDS AND FOR THEM TO WITH HOLD FURTHER VISITS IS DOWN RIGHT WRONG NOT TO MENTION IT SHOWS THEY ARE ASKING FOR SOMETHING THEY KNOW IS WRONG TO ASK FOR LASTLY I SAY HEY STOP BEING A SPONGE AND GROW UP YOU HAD Those KIDS YOU PAY FOR THEM SHE PAID FOR YOU ITS THAT ENOUGH SHE Doesn't ASK YOU TO PAY FOR HER TRIP BUT SHE SHOULD HAVE ASKED YOU CAUSE AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED YOU TAKE CARE OF THE ELDERLY LIKE THEY ARE YOUR CHILDREN CAUSE THATS HOW LIFE CYCLES WORK MY ELDERLY MOTHER LIVES WITH ME AND SHE PAYS FOR NOTHING AND SHE SAVES HER Money AND DOES WHAT SHE WANTS WITH IT HER AND MY KIDS JUST GOT BACK FROM A TRIP TO NIAGARA FALLS A TRIP SHE SURPRISED THEM WITH AND PAID FOR WHY CAUSE SHE COULD AND WANTED TO CAUSE WE TAKE CARE OF HER !!!!!
Seems like you're writing this using cruise ship wifi :) 😄
Stop screaming at us, witch. This isn't a MAGA rally.
well said
That is horrible, there is nothing I would not do for my babies. Idon't know how you live with yourself. I pray this child is ok, and no I would not allow you to see him
I cannot believe you chose a trip over your grandson! Would you be able to live with yourself if something terrible happens to him and you could have helped! He might not have time in his life for a trip, but I am sure you have many fond memories of trips you have taken. Honestly, I cannot agree more with your son!
It's not even a choice. What kind of grandparent chooses a holiday over the well being of their grand child. Absolutely heartbreaking.
I will give my life for my kids and any grandchild I may be blessed with.
You ask "Am I not allowed to enjoy life a little , I'm old this may be my last trip." Think of this, you have had 72 years of living, memories, and I find it hard to believe this would be your first trip. Your grandson is 8,, I guess if you can live with the thoughts of him not having all of the years ahead of him that you've enjoyed, graduating from school, having a career, maybe getting married someday by all means go on your trip, maybe you're the type that can deal with that. Having family means possibly sacrificing for them, and I find giving up a cruise a pretty small sacrifice for a life. There's nothing I wouldn't do for my 10 year old grandson.
Enjoy your cruise. Medical bills do payment plans and there's lots of financial aid. I'm a mom with 6 kids and a dozen grandkids so I'm well aware of when they try to bully me into doing what they want. That's really what's going on. Bullying is always wrong. Make some wonderful memories with your sister.
Yes Paula, I believe that they are bullies. There is no mention of the diagnosis, nor of how long ago the diagnosis was made.
OP has been saving for the trip. (Possibly a set amount each month). So, how about going on the cruise, then when she returns, she contributes that set amount towards that part of the bills not covered by insurance/grants/etc?
Wrong. All wrong. MAGA response.
I'm gonna guess a fair chunk of your kids have gone non con.
yep and when her time comes to be assisted remember the cruise my dear... ;)
Family first!! Think about it, your out having a wonderful time, enjoying what you saved to do. Meanwhile your grandson fights his illness. Gee have a good time.
Tell your son that's ok Its my time to enjoy life Changing my will and I'm spending my money on myself I've earned it It was nice talking with you and have a good life
Glad I'm not in your family ! You can tell the ones on here that are not truly family people & should never have had kids ! And everyone can't get financial help. Gonna feel really bad if that little guy dies ! Evidently they have no insurance as many young families can't afford it. Pray he gets better !
Maybe they shouldn't have had children of they couldn't afford them. That's not Grandma's fault, and I'm sure that the few thousand dollars that she saved for a cruise, wouldn't even BEGIN to cover his medical costs.
I'm sorry your grandson is so sick😥
I'm on your side 💯%
Hospital bills will be high, but they can pay what's affordable
I think hospitals charge so much because they know that they're getting less
You and your sister have a fabulous time, dance, sing, play slots,do the excursions
And don't worry one selfish little hair on your head. Maybe you'll even get mentioned at the kid's funeral.
If I can pay or borrow to take care of my child's medical care I would never ask my family for money unless they were wealty. If they offer fine.
It's called being a family. Since when did being a grandparent mean that you wash your hands of that family? This doesn't sound like he has a cold. This sounds like he has a serious illness that requires specific treatment for survival. There are plenty of medications and treatments that have to be paid out of pocket and will not be covered by insurance. Not all families can even qualify for loans, even medical loans or credit cards. Even then, these things could bankrupt a family. Hospitals and doctors will not provide treatments not covered by insurance unless family can pay out of pocket, and instead, they will administer alternative treatments that could lead to negative outcomes. I don't understand why so many people in this country have no idea what it means to be family. I would pay everything I have in this world to save my children, and one day when I have them, my grandchildren.
Snarky ungrateful Dad should look into Medicaid, SSI/Medicare, other sources of help. They're out there! Grandma is much more than a cash cow!
You cannot get Medicaid, Medicare, etc., unless you are below a certain income level. If it were that easy to get people would not go bankrupt due to medical debt.
Yeah, totally! That's why medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy! 🤦♀️
Parents should get second job
And who stays with the sick kid in the hospital? Would you want to leave you ill child to lie in a hospital bed without you. Evidently, you have never had a sick kid in the hospital. I have, and it is not easy to just leave them
You clearly have no family.
This letter doesn't give enough information for me to make a unbiased judgement. Personally, I would give anything I could for a grandchild, but I have none and will never have any. What kind of illness does this child have, something the kid can recover from or something terminal? What are the kids parents circumstances? Why would they demand that she gives them her money? But also, why would you go on a cruise when a grandchild is gravely ill? Threatening someone with withholding visitation hurts everyone, but most of all the child. Get counseling for the parents on dealing with a very sick child and for the family, to be able to reconcile. Once someone's gone, either the kid or the older grandmother, they are gone and regrets last too long.
This woman has work hard to save her money for when she needs it to live life, and get to possible do the things that she couldn't do because she had to raise kids. And you are telling me she has to give all that up because her grand son is sick. No one is entitled to her money except her. I don't know why a lot of the comments here think that she should do such. Her grand son is not her responsibility it's her son.
Go on your trip and have fun.
I agree. People are rushing to judgement based off little info. Once I have a family its my responsibility to do everything I can for them. I would only go to my parents for help as a last resort. But I would never shame them into giving all their money to me. If mom wasn't around I'm sure they would find a way. But it's two sides to the story so can't really make a clear unbiased judgment. Right now comments are biased judgement without all the info.
Oink oink, Angel. Boy, were YOU misnamed!?!!!!
well why dont you send your hard earned money to help?
Fabricated story to spice up comment box 😅
I think you're a very selfish person I would give my life if needed to save one of my kids or grandkids no matter what age I was
Not enough information is provided if the kids family have the resources to finance or borrow the money for treatment. I would not ask my elderly mother unless there was no other choice.
She doesn't sound elderly, elderly people don't go on cruises by themselves. She sounds older and like she saved up money for this. There's plenty of information. Taking out loans can bankrupt somebody. You sound just a selfish as her.
You're considered elderly at 65. She is not going by herself, she is going with her sister and if you are healthy, and active there is not reason why an elderly person couldn't go on a cruise by themselves.
Maybe she's found a 80 old man on TINDER 🤣
Depending on the cruise line, she's probably talking somewhere between $1k and $10k total for the trip with cruise, airfare, spending money, etc. Can you name ONE terminal condition that would be solved with $10k in the US?
They asked her to help out not pay for everything. Learn how to read for comprehension.
Exactly!! Then, if she DID give it up, that wouldn't solve anything, because it sounds like the parents STILL couldn't cover anything else, so what's the point in being talked out of her cruise, AND not covering the medical costs? Doesn't make sense.
I 100% agree with you.
Here's a litmus test. Go on your vacation, enjoy yourself. While away on your cruise your grandson passes from his illness. Was that cruise the happy memory you thought? Will you shed a tear for him or "oh well I had fun"
That child will not be allowed to die. His parents will be in debt but he will live.
Allowed? Kids die every day from diseases.
I would sell my soul for my grandson. Yes, I think you are being selfish if his situation is that grave. Could he die?
Please enjoy your vacation,If your son dud not know your financial business he would not have ask.You have raise your children,you don't owe them anything.He is selfish,manipulative.If he chooses to make a sick decision for his son,eventually he will regret it scine his son will remind him of the opportunity he deny him of spending time with grandma especially if you die.Finally watch Midday Power Surge on you tube,it is time to separate from selfish family members and meet the real members of your family in Christ.
Your grammar and language arts skills are deplorable as is your advice, Christ has Nothing to do with this and it seems you have little to do with begins at home, I'd give every penny I have to my sick or ailing grandchildren if that were the case or to my daughter, you NEVER stop raising your children, they always need parental, love, support and wisdom, I'm blessed in that we all share a large property and contribute to the enrichment of each others lives, I do not blame the son for his reaction, it's jarring what "mom" replied to say the least, she's the selfish one, a cruise over the health of her grandchild!? That's dancing with the devil, an evil, wicked choice, nothing Christian in that attitude.....
Amen 🙏
I disagree. You stop raising children when they become adults, educated and ready to face the world. When there are problems and issues, they man up and solve them. More so if it involves your offsprings. Not cry running back to 'mom'. No doubt we will advise and support, but Christian life is also self happiness when ability permits. Fact is, how long you will live is entirely in your Creator's hands. Illnesses are just passes in life...
Christ is ashamed of you
But not you, for judging others?🧐
Excuse me? Don't have kids if you don't plan on being there for them. Kids didn't ask to be brought into this world. I hope you aren't a mother. You sound like you'd be a horrible one. He absolutely should never let that monster of a mother ever see her grandchildren again.
Amen, Heather!
The sick decision is not helping out family. He didn't ask for her to pay the whole bill, only to help. Her granson should co.e first, not a ONE WEEK vacation!
I'm wondering, didn't she teach him, that as a Man, he should be responsible for his own family, and be prepared for any potential problems, great or small ? If a Man cannot provide for his family, what ever life may bring, then maybe he isn't ready to have the responsibility of a wife and children ?
You must be single cause no man or woman would marry you have no feelings or understanding of real family
Yes, because the average American has hundreds of thousands of dollars put aside to be able to provide for a rare anomaly. You sound bsc. Didn't your mother teach you how to be there for your family? I'm so glad that I was raised by kind people. And I'm so glad that I have raised kind people. This world so few of them left.
Spot on, Sara, well said...
l will not hesitate to offer that money or even donate any of my organs if that will make my grandson survive and live. If your trip is so IMPORTANT than the life of your grandson, i hope u forget about having a family. U better off alone.
Aren't people worried that THESE are the tests that decide if we're going to heaven or the other place? Earthly possessions, sacrifice, sounds like she's closing in on the finish line of life and just got her final important test.
I absolutely agree. There are many tests in life, and this sounds like one of them. This "grandmother" sounds very selfish.
Are you kidding? You want to know if you’re selfish. WOW - not o ly are you super selfish your a narcissist. That poor little boy. I’d give my life for my children and my grandchildren. You must be a miserable person.
I think you are very selfish. Your family is struggling to pay for care for their little sick person and you put yourself first.
I am nearly 80 and have made many sacrifices for my family and would do it again in a heartbeat. The love, respect and support I have received in return has been priceless.
I don't blame your son for being bitter.
I hope you enjoy your cruise and the few superficial memories bought at such a huge expense
What kind of house and cars do they own? Can they finance the treatment? Without enough information you condemning the grandmother makes you judgemental anti Christian jerks.
You either don't live in America or you're very ignorant person. You do realize that treatments can be hundreds of thousands of dollars, right? And let's say they're able to have the treatments covered, maybe they don't have travel expenses. And House of cards? Have you seen the current economic climate? There are people who still haven't recuperated from 2020. What a cavalier, callous, an uninformed comment you made. I have lost all hope for mankind reading this comment thread full of narcissistic people who apparently don't care about their families.
I think her son is out of line saying you don't have a family anymore how about getting a loan . did her son paid her phone bill and gas bill home payment car payment. if he did shame on grandma.i don't think so then why pay for his bills
You see stories like this on Reddit constantly. When it is a young healthy person being asked to donate their trip money/house down payment/college fund for a sibling/nibling/parent/friend the comments are always, "NTA it's your money the parents should've planned better", etc. Now that it's grandma's last hurrah, it's "you're selfish, save your dying grandchild". Smh...
Depends how you define happiness. For me family is everything. I love to travel but family comes first. Your priorities are different than mine.
The definition of selfish is a person, action, or motive lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.
Take yourself out of the equation. You hear about a Grandmother who put her trip before her grandchild’s life.
You don't know anything about the kid's family's situation. They are the ones that need to adjust their priorities to pay or borrow the money they need. For all you know they are living way beyond their means and are the ones who need to sacrifice.
This Trip is about family
She and her sister are going together
If a person doesn't put family first in their last of priorities, they SHOULDN'T have children. Being childless is a thing more people should do more often, especially in America, where family is apparently meaningless.
One's family should always be more important than a trip. If you have to write in to someone looking for approval of your actions, you already know you've been selfish. A trips more important than your grandchild, very sad.
There's an easy way to see if your selfish. Wait until your grandchild passes, then go on your vacation and see if your happy. Even if the vacation was to last a year. You choose a year of chilling in the sun with a mai tai over the potential 60+ years of life that your grandchild could have left. Yes 100% your selfish.
The family has other ways to get money. Don't put it all on grandma. She's probably weary from all the ways she's already helped them. They went to grandma's because she's an easy mark or so they thought. I doubt her money would make a dent in their medical bills. Refi your house, take out a loan, start a GoFundMe. Quit stealing from grandma.
Great answer. This is the likely scenario.
I think, I can never earn over which I paid by my precedent employer, but I was wrong, world is so large to try their fate. but now I am making $52/h even more,and easily earn minimum $1300/week, on the experience everyone must try to do work online, easy way to earn, here's an example.
Betty, thank you for sharing your story with us. We have some tips that we hope can be helpful to you.
Open a dialogue with your son.

I would have lent half of the money and donated a quarter of it and kept the other quarter. I will also have a written agreement on terms of the loan payment.
Approach your son with a calm and open heart, seeking to understand his perspective. Explain your feelings and the importance of the trip to you, but also listen to his concerns about his son's health.
Acknowledge the emotional stress he is under and express your desire to find a compromise. Perhaps you can agree on contributing a smaller, more manageable amount to the treatment fund while still retaining enough for your cruise.
Seek mediation or counseling.

Personally , it would not be a choice, Id help my grandson. But would remind my son about rainy days and the sacrifices made althrough their life. Sad not to do a lovely trip ,but i believe your family comes first. Id just have to put it off for a while.
Consider involving a neutral third party, such as a family therapist or mediator, to help facilitate a constructive conversation between you and your son.
A professional can help both sides articulate their needs and feelings in a safe space, working towards a resolution that respects your desire for happiness and your family's need for financial support. This can help mend the strained relationship and find a middle ground.
Explore alternative funding options.

I've been on quite a few cruises, and I too am old. Unless the grandmother is taking an around the world trip, cruises are simply not that expensive and I can't believe that the money she is spending on that trip would make a discernible difference in her grandson's treatment. That would be a hard thing for me to decide, but my last cruise including airfare was somewhere around $3,500, and I wondered just what a difference this would make to a medical bill?
Suggest exploring other financial options for your grandson's treatment. This could include setting up a crowdfunding campaign, reaching out to charitable organizations, or applying for medical grants.
By actively participating in finding these solutions, you show your commitment to your grandson's well-being without having to sacrifice your long-awaited trip.
Prioritize your own well-being.

I hear a lot of compassion in your life has fallen out with your family it seems. If my baby came to ask for my help, HELP! You never know what will become at the end of the day. Many a comment nastily, I am not bashing on you. If my choice was to help my baby and or grandbaby yet I chose to say no; I personally couldn't live with myself. Helping doesn't mean you must completely drain your bank account; could you not modify your vacation into something else that you could enjoy? I would hope you could consider the sacrifice to come ask in the first place, it probably wasn't easy for them either. Did you consider that they may need it for the treatment, you didn't say if it was to be a loan or gift.
Reflect on the importance of your mental and emotional health. As a 72-year-old widow who has diligently saved for this dream trip, your happiness and well-being are also important. If you decide to prioritize your cruise, write a heartfelt letter to your son explaining your decision and your love for your grandson. Sometimes, maintaining your own well-being can provide the strength needed to support others in different ways.
Remember, your decision doesn't mean you love your family any less, but rather that you also value the years of effort you've invested in your dream.
Rebecca is another mother who chose to prioritize her own well-being. When her 16-year-old pregnant daughter announced she would need help raising the baby, Rebecca refused and even asked her not to keep the child or to leave the house. This decision led to a dramatic turn of events, and a distressed Rebecca wrote to us for advice.
It won't help and either way it will be forgotten.
It's NO ONES BUSINESS! She should do what she wants. Everyone has decisions to make in life and No One should tell anyone how to decide.
Guys I didn’t mean to start a huge argument pls everyone stop I was just sharing my opinion
Truly sorry to hear about your grandson. But is there a reason why you're son and daughter in law didn't have a savings of there own and a health plan. We all need to go on a trip to unwind and have fun so you really shouldn't feel guilty about that. And He shouldn't hate you or disowned you for something he and his wife didn't prepare for themselves either. Prepare yourself not to give bank information so has to avoid disheartening conversations
Anyone who would pick their happiness over the health of a child deserves every bit of social backlash they receive. Despicable.

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