My MIL Secretly Insulted Me for Years, So I Recorded Her — My Husband’s Reaction Was Priceless

Family & kids
5 months ago

What if your mother-in-law insults you behind your husband’s back, and he has no clue about it? That’s what happened to one woman, and she shared her jaw-dropping story online. You won’t believe how her husband reacted when he finally found out!

She sought help from Reddit users.

another momma's boy ---- Dump him ASAP and don't even think about looking back !!!


People were all on her side.

  • Your husband is gaslighting you and has been for several years. You have to prove your MIL harasses and insults you behind his back? You shouldn't be "trying to explain your side to him" you should be kicking his ass to the curb right now. The fact that he left and went to her house because he's mad at you is insane. Prestigious_Pop7634 / Reddit
  • Your husband sounds like a spineless mommy’s boy. frizabelle / Reddit
  • He knows she was doing it. That’s what his actions say. He’s flustered because they were caught.
    MyLadyBitsc / Reddit
  • Based upon what you've said here, your husband has made his choice. He doesn't have your back as he should. Instead, he goes running back to momma.
    I can guarantee you, no one will ever be good enough for her son. She won't change. As a matter of fact, once he tells her you recorded her, she's going to be 10x worse in how she speaks to you.
    If you want to save your marriage, develop a backbone and tell her off every time she's rude to you. If that doesn't get her to self-correct, you need to decide if you want to stay in the marriage. Personally, if my husband went running home to momma over something like this, I'd find a good divorce lawyer immediately. SquirrellyDog2016 / Reddit
  • Hope for you that he stays under momma's skirts. You are better off without him. SuccessfulSeaweed385 / Reddit
  • If you take him back, he will always treat you like this. It will get worse. Your husband showed you where is loyalty lies. It is not with you or for you. He will always choose them/her over you. IrishTempest50 / Reddit

Relationships with mothers-in-law can be tricky, and stories like this are more common than you might think. Just like this woman, who faced insults from her mother-in-law, many people find themselves caught in similar situations.

Preview photo credit narcomuvs / Reddit


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Time to get a divorce. Mommy's boy chose her side; he is supposed to be YOUR PARTNER IN LIFE; you against the world.


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