How the Most Beautiful Women in the World Look Without Makeup

People often tend to freeze celebrities at their height of fame and forget that they’re human and have aged like everyone else. What’s more, we forget what people usually look like when they get older because of all the cosmetic surgery and fillers that are used nowadays. But fortunately, there are still some celebrities who remind us that there is absolutely nothing wrong with looking different than you did when you were young.
Those who grew up in the ’80s and ’90s remember Justine from the hit sitcom Family Ties, where she played Mallory Keaton. Since then, she replaced the spotlight with being behind the camera, and now she is an accomplished author and director. In a recent interview, the 57-year-old actress reemerged to send an important message to all women who are worried about aging.
Justine has not given much thought to aging until the internet reminded her: “I needed to Google something to do a little research and remind myself of something that happened when I was famous,” so when she entered her name ― Justine Bateman ― Google autocompleted it with: ’’looks old.’’ Justine says she was only around 40 years old at that time.
When asked if she was ever tempted by cosmetic procedures, Justine says that getting plastic surgery would make her ’’lose all of her authority’’ and that she actually feels good about her appearance as it is. She admits that she enjoys seeing the ’’evidence’’ that proves she’s now a different person compared to who she was in her 20s.
Justine doesn’t judge those who decide to undergo a beauty treatment to look younger, but she admits she feels ’’sad’’ for them: ’’I feel sad for them that they are distracted from the things that they are meant to do in life by this consuming idea that they’ve got to fix their face before anything else happens,’’ she explains. In 2021 Bateman released a whole book titled Face: One Square Foot of Skin that deals with this important issue.
’’Have you heard the news? There’s nothing wrong with your face,’’ Justine captioned an Instagram post to promote her book. Bateman uses her personal experiences to depict society’s fascination with how women’s faces change as they get older. When asked if there is beauty in aging, Justine says that she really doesn’t care what others think: ’’I think I look rad. My face represents who I am. I like it, and that’s the end of the road,’’ Justine says confidently.
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