Kate Beckinsale Shares Deep Tribute Tattoo for Late Cat Clive

year ago

It’s heartwarming to hear that Kate Beckinsale is continuing to honor her late cat Clive with a second tattoo tribute, especially after his recent passing in June. Her decision to get tattoos as a way of remembering her beloved pet shows the deep bond she had with him.

The fact that Kate shared these moments on Instagram further illustrates her attachment to Clive and her desire to keep his memory alive for her and her followers. It’s also interesting to note that she chose different locations on her body for each tattoo, with the first being on her forearm and the second on the back of her shoulder, showcasing her unique way of remembering Clive’s presence in her life.

“We got him when my daughter [Lily Sheen, now 24] was little. And he usually is shaved into an odd shape, but he’s a recent cancer survivor,” once Kate shared in an interview.

“Every single part of my house feels like he should be in it,” she shares on Instagram. “If anyone is expecting to hear from me, you may not for a bit, and I’m sorry.”

When she announced Clive’s tragic passing in June, Kate Beckinsale candidly shared that she was not ready to create a montage or even look at pictures of him, underscoring the depth of her grief and her deeply felt connection with her cherished feline companion.

Tattoos can be a powerful and personal way to memorialize a loved one, whether human or animal, and Kate Beckinsale’s choice to do so is a testament to the special relationship she had with Clive.


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