12 Situations That Prove Some Stereotypes About Relationships Actually Make Sense

Love her or hate her, you can’t deny that Madonna is the Queen of Pop and a symbol of reinvention. People may know her for her endless controversies, but the way she changed the minds of many is undeniable. The story of her success might be made into a book together with other cult figures, like Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. But, in fact, what this strong woman endured to get to the top has been anything but glamorous.
Since the beginning of her career, Madonna appeared to be at the center of some of the harshest criticism a star could ever endure. She herself refers to this time period as deeply sexist and misogynistic. In one of her speeches, she got candid about her feelings, saying, “I stand before you as a doormat. Oh, I mean, as a female entertainer. Thank you for acknowledging my ability to continue my career for 34 years in the face of blatant sexism and misogyny.”
As a 64-year-old performer, Maddona keeps fighting against ageism by all means. People don’t think she acts her age because she dates younger men. And Guy Richie, her ex-husband, explained why it’s happening. He said, “Put Madonna up against any 23-year-old, she’ll outwork them, outdance them, outperform them. The woman is broad. And, of course, here you go: I still love her.”
Madonna has always been vocal about aging in the spotlight. While many tabloids keep pointing out her age, she still doesn’t care and has her own point of view on the concept of aging. She once raised an important question, asking, “What, are you just supposed to die when you’re 40? That’s basically what everybody wants people to do. I think it’s stupid. Put yourself out to pasture? Why? Life is long — people are living to be 100 years old — I don’t get it.”
In one of her speeches, she also looked back on so many pop icons lost during the last decade. “I think the most controversial thing I have ever done is to stick around. Michael is gone. Tupac is gone. Prince is gone. Whitney is gone. Amy Winehouse is gone. David Bowie is gone. But I’m still standing. I’m one of the lucky ones, and every day I count my blessings.”
Maddona has never been a stranger to pushing boundaries and isn’t shy about exposing the real truth behind showbiz and its double standards. Without pretending that she loves everything about modern standards, she openly sends a message to her followers.
She says, “Do not age. To age is a sin. You will be criticized, you will be vilified, and you will definitely not be played on the radio.”
In 2023, after the Grammys, many people called her “unrecognizable” because of her appearance, but Madonna didn’t hesitate to voice her opinion on this. “Here’s what I’ve learned after 4 decades in music. If they call you shocking, scandalous, problematic, provocative, or dangerous, you are definitely onto something,” she said at the ceremony.
What do you think about modern beauty standards that women face? Which of them triggers the most emotional reaction in you?