Meet the Tiny Dog Who Has Become the Internet Sensation Because of Her Feminine Looks

9 months ago

In our age, net idols have become so immensely popular that it’s difficult to remember everyone’s names. However, one internet idol has truly stood out and captivated our attention — a tiny chihuahua from Thailand named Nong Khae Calorie. She always shares delightful and charming pictures with her fan club, garnering mutual admiration and affection.

Calorie is a true fashionista.

It is evident that Calorie’s eyebrows are her crowning glory. They beautifully frame her expressive eyes and contribute to her overall charm. With her participation in numerous festivals, captivating photo shoots, and even beauty pageants, this adorable canine has won the hearts of many admirers.

This tiny dog represents many brands.

Right now, she has 1.7 million followers on TikTok and almost 170k followers on Instagram. As a true influencer, she promotes not only canine products but also human ones, including domestic appliances. No matter what the advertised product is, her owners make sure her outfit totally matches the brand’s vibe.

She also recreates photos of famous celebs.

Her outfits are not just stylish, but she also copies the famous looks of celebrities and supermodels. Her wardrobe includes not only different clothes for any occasion but also different wigs, and each one fits her perfectly!

Pet owners continuously astound us with their endless imaginations. From Squid Game cosplays to fancy ensembles, everyday outfits, Hawaiian shirts, and Mexican-style attire, there seems to be no limit to the cute ideas they come up with. And the best part is, these outfits work for all of our four-legged companions— check them out here.


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