Meghan Markle Subtly Transformed Her Look, but Many Have Missed the Detail She Changed

8 months ago

Meghan Markle’s sense of style whenever she steps out publicly is impeccable. It’s understandable why, as she needs to meet very high standards. However, while all eyes are usually on Meghan during official trips and events, she made a small tweak to her look that only few noticed.

AP/East News, AP/East News

Images released on and around January 2024, show Meghan with a radiant glow and noticeably fuller, fluffier brows, which marks a departure from the over-plucked eyebrow trend of the ’90s she used to be a fan of.

Yana Gushchina, founder of beauty hotspot Browfique, unveiled the secret behind Meghan’s enhanced eyebrows―a technique called powdering. This method, which is a semi-permanent makeup technique, is known for its ombre effect and soft powder finish, and it results in natural-looking, well-defined brows.

Jordan Strauss/Invision/East News, LISA O'CONNOR/AFP/East News

In recent years, Meghan has embraced a minimalist makeup aesthetic, often also accentuating her look with feathery false eyelashes.

But, despite this, she doesn’t actually like to change her makeup often. Her former makeup artist, Lydia Sellers, said so in an interview. “Meghan is very self-assured when it comes to what she likes in a beauty routine, and our time together very rarely ventured too far from her classic makeup look,” she explained.

Whilst Meghan never goes for drastic changes in appearance, other women do, even if it means flying across the world. That’s what happened to a woman who got a complete makeover after she won a lucky draw from a Korean beauty clinic. It might have been worth it, though, because people online think she went from looking 50 years old to 30. See the results for yourself here!

Preview photo credit Jordan Strauss/Invision/East News, LISA O'CONNOR/AFP/East News, AP/East News


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