My Sister-in-Law Insists That I’m Unworthy of Being a Mother — Here’s Why

Not all women choose to lead a razor-free life because of people’s mixed feelings. However, it’s twice as hard to stop shaving when your loved ones disapprove of it. Our reader faced a problem — her boyfriend seems to be embarrassed of her. Now she’ll have to decide whether to keep her boyfriend or her hair.
Thanks for getting in touch! We’re really sorry to hear about what you’ve been through. We’ve got some advice that might be useful in handling the situation.
Sit down with your boyfriend and open up about your feelings. Be honest about how his comments and behavior affected you. Let him know that constantly maintaining your appearance shouldn’t determine your worth as a person. Tell him that you value his opinion, but you also want him to respect your choices.
Tell your boyfriend that you don’t like the way he talks to you. Nobody should make you feel bad about how you naturally look or push you to meet their beauty standards. It’s important to love and accept your body just as it is. Being confident in yourself is attractive and helps you handle tough situations better.
If shaving every day feels like too much, there are other hair removal options out there that might be easier for you. Laser hair removal is a long-term solution, and using depilatory creams is a quick and easy way to remove hair without shaving. Take some time to research these options and consider what would work best for you and your lifestyle.
Think about your relationship when deciding whether to stay with him or not. Ask yourself if your boyfriend’s ideas about how you should look match what you want for yourself. A good relationship is based on respecting and accepting each other, including how you naturally look. If your partner’s expectations stress you out, talk about it together and find a solution that makes you both happy.
Some women are over the moon when they find out they’re pregnant. However, for others, it’s a real nightmare. In this story, our reader is preoccupied because his wife denies that she got pregnant. She doesn’t even want to check whether his doubts are valid.