My Husband Found Out I Have a Higher IQ Than Him, Now He’s Making My Life Unbearable

2 hours ago

A desperate woman, 38, wrote a letter to our editorial and told us how a seemingly innocent IQ test has become a beginning of a real catastrophe in her family. Her husband has found out she has a higher IQ score, and since then the woman’s life has never been the same again. What is more, her spouse became so mad at her, that he’s slowly but surely turning her life into a total nightmare now.

The couple’s family life has not been far from ideal from the start.

A woman named Rebecca, 38, has recently written a letter to our editorial and told us about her complicated family story. The whole woman’s narration seemed to be a big cry for help, as Rebecca appeared to be witnessing how her happy family is falling apart because of a thing that she personally believes is a trifle.

Rebecca began her story, saying, «My husband, Josh, and I have been married for over 10 years now. Josh is a person, who I sincerely believed was my best friend and a soulmate. We have never argued before, our family has always been an embodiment of compromise and mutual respect.»

Rebecca revealed that they did have some small issues at the beginning of their relationship. Josh was looking for a job at that time and, by some reason, he wasn’t receiving many job offers, though he visited many job interviews. At that time, Josh was very self-assured, he believed that he would find the job of his dream easily, without any extra effort, but life turned out to be tough, and the man was sincerely frustrated about the situation with his employment.

At that time, Rebecca was the person who helped him a lot to get over this spell of bad luck with employment, and she helped him to find a decent job in one of the law companies. Since then, Josh would always make passive-aggressive remarks about Rebecca’s help, saying that he was worthless, and she was his savior, and he seemed to be very mad about the fact that his wife helped him out with his employment.

The family seemed to have no more reasons for confrontation, until one day.

Rebecca goes on with her story, saying, that with time, their family has become even stronger, and things were going on really good. They forgot about all past issues and seemed to be moving ahead with everything.

But one day, Josh asked Rebecca to pass an IQ test. The woman wrote, «One day, Josh came home and gave me a login to some IQ test. I scored higher than him. Initially, he was in a huge disbelief, then he became a bit sulky. I believed the whole thing was actually stupid. I have never thought of myself that I’m „smarter“ than my husband, I simply never compared our IQs. Moreover, I never understood the logic of these IQ tests.»

But Josh took it way too seriously. Rebecca revealed, «Since that day, he has drastically changed. He didn’t want to cuddle with me or kiss me anymore. Last month we attended a birthday party for my small niece and Josh spent the whole evening chatting with my SIL’s sister, who is a very beautiful woman.»

The conflict in the family seems to be growing into a real drama.

Rebecca goes on with her letter, saying, «When we arrived home after that birthday party, I openly spoke to Josh and I even started crying because my husband actually ignored me for at least 3 weeks, and now he took to flirting with other women.»

Josh denied everything and accused his wife of overreacting. Rebecca explained, «He said that everything I felt was a nonsense. He totally denied that he has been a completely different man since the test, but I wasn’t backing down this time.»

Rebecca said that she told her husband that she actually wasn’t stupid and that Josh stopped being caring, attentive and affectionate since that day when an IQ test was taken.

Josh went too far in his reactions about his wife’s IQ test.

Rebecca wrote that Josh finally admitted that he was instantly turned off by the fact that she was «smarter» than him. He said that he wasn’t attracted to his wife anymore.

Rebecca wrote, «I couldn’t understand his logic at all, and it was painful for me to hear his words. I asked him why he wasn’t attracted to me. I haven’t changed even a tiny bit. I’m still me. My husband apologized and said that he needed some time to pull himself together and that he pretty much realizes how silly this all is.»

In a couple of weeks, Rebecca found out that Josh had a «light affair» with one of her former college mates. When she confronted him again about all the unhealthy things he was doing to her, he said again, that he’s still not attracted to her and can’t get over the fact that he lives with «a know-it-all».

Rebecca made a decision about her family and she doesn’t regret it.

Rebecca wrote, «I finally told Josh that I’ve had enough. He obviously had a change of heart, and I was not going to spend all my life to witness him falling out of love with me. Josh called me a drama queen and explained that while his reaction was sad and unreasonable, I’m now making a big mistake since he already realized his mistake and is working towards being a better person.»

But Rebecca saw that Josh was still avoiding her like she was a leper. Rebecca also asked to see his phone. She discovered that he was flirting with his coworker. In one of the texts to her, Josh complained that Rebecca was neglectful and full of herself.

The woman concluded, «How ironic it was to pretend that I’m the neglectful one when Josh has not even kissed my cheek for a long time. I felt he would cheat on me again and again. I’m not staying for that. I asked him to move out and filed for divorce

Rebecca added that two days ago, Josh texted her that he loved her and that he was sorry. The man admitted that he didn’t know what he was trying to prove to his wife or to himself, but he insisted that he loves her and finds Rebecca very attractive. But the woman’s decision was final, and she wrote, «I don’t believe a thing he’s saying. It’s over, and it’s all because of an IQ test.»

And here’s a woman, whose detective skills are so impressive that they left us in awe. The lady found a tampon in her boyfriend’s room and used it to brilliantly check if he’s cheating on her or not.


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