My Husband Suggested an Absolutely Insane Thing to Me, I Feel Like Our Marriage Is Dead

4 months ago

Our reader, a 33-year-old woman named Wendy, has recently shared her bizarre family story in her letter to our editorial. Wendy confessed that she's feeling extremely unhappy in her marriage at the moment, because her husband started behaving in a crazy way after their baby was born. And, what is more, the man whom she loved with all her heart, started putting forward some suggestions that Wendy considers totally inappropriate. Now, the woman is on the verge of divorce, and she wants some opinions from our readers about her situation.

Wendy and David lived a normal life, until recently.

Wendy, a 33-year-old woman, is extremely worried about the unhealthy situation in her family that she's facing right now. The woman is desperate, and she can't really talk about this to anyone from her friends, she's afraid to be misunderstood and even judged. So, the woman decided to write us a letter and shared her story in order to receive some opinions and advice from our readers.

Wendy opened her letter, saying, "My husband David and I have been married for over 5 years now. These have been the happiest years in my life, because I married the love of my life, I now have my own place to live, which we earned together, and we have recently become happy parents to a wonderful boy, who's 4 months old now.
Things between us have always been amazing, I have always thought that David was the person I could rely on and confide in, and he never made me doubt my beliefs. Up until recently, our family was a classic happy union, but everything changed so much after the birth of our adorable and much awaited son."

The storm approached the family after the spouses became new parents.

Wendy confessed, "After our baby son was born, David has become a totally different person. I can't say that he refused to help me with the baby, no, on the contrary, he's always been a loving and caring dad. But his behavior towards me has become totally wild."

The woman explained, "We started having so many arguments, they happened on a daily basis, and we were now often exhausted and red-eyed after arguing in circles literally for hours. The latest scandal began innocuously, when I noticed that David had spent more than $150 at the supermarket on items we could not afford. I must confess that I yelled at him, and I accused him of being irresponsible and unwilling to communicate.
He replied by accusing me of being 'hysterical' and over-reacting, as usual. Our arguments and fights now always started with something tiny, and it was not always about money, oftentimes it would be how I felt David made no effort with my big family or had been rude to one of my closest friends."

Wendy made a soul-crushing conclusion out of their arguments.

Wendy goes on with her story, saying, "As our rows had become more frequent, we were worried enough to make an appointment with a marriage counselor. It did feel like a step in the right direction and a last resort, but I personally found the sessions humiliating.
I explained that I wanted David to grow up and take more responsibility for his actions and household issues. I cringed as he claimed that he always knew he was 'passive-aggressive or whatever' and he simply promised to try to change. It looked as if he was just quoting my accusations and didn't really understand."

Wendy added, "Some time later, I was casually telling a friend about how bad things in my family had become. I was talking about David and my 'monthly row' and a lightbulb went off in my head. When I thought back, I realized the arguments did happen pretty much every month. All at the exact same time.
And that was when I finally understood that the problem wasn't a result of an accumulation of petty problems finally becoming too much to bear, but that it was all hormonal. I had a severe PMS and when I spoke to David about my revelation, I didn't expect that his reaction would be so harsh and humiliating."

David made a suggestion that was humiliating for Wendy.

Wendy revealed, "When my husband heard about the problem that I had, he didn't even try to help me out, and he didn't even listen much. He said that I was just being rude all this time and that PMS was the fake reasoning for me to act in an aggressive way towards him.
Then, he went even further. He dropped a bombshell on me, saying that now he totally insisted that I move out every month, a week before my period, and live with my parents during this week, on a regular basis. He said that this way we could save each other tons of energy and maybe this will help us to stop fighting."

"I thought it was a joke and I couldn't believe that my husband wants to get rid of me for the period when I suddenly become 'uncomfortable' and 'inconvenient' for him. I'm now desperate, and I've been crying my eyes out because of his rude suggestion.
My only thought is about getting a divorce, because my loving husband appears to be a rude and ignorant person to me. And I can't be sure anymore that he'll remain by my side in any period of my life if he doesn't want to live through the hormonal crisis together with me. I'm totally lost, and I don't know what to do. What would you do if you were suggested such a thing by your spouse?"

And here's yet another story from a woman, who found some tampons in her husband's car, and after she revealed their real meaning, her only desire was to run away from her spouse, together with their child.

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