My Wife Is a Super-Mom and Super-Wife and I Totally Hate It, Here’s Why

Family & kids
10 months ago

The modern world has now become a place where your Instagram feed is full of “supermom influencers,” who claim to have an ideal life. Their kids are perfectly dressed, their postpartum bodies are fit and glamorous, and their homes are most well-organized. It has now become impossible for women to just feel good about their own parenting and lifestyle. Our today’s hero is a man, whose wife wants to be perfect in everything, and his story is full of emotions about his family life that has become unbearable because of it.

The man’s family is normal and happy at first sight, but one thing spoils it all.

One desperate man, who’s 35 years old, sent a letter to our editorial to find out the opinion of other people about his very complex life situation. While sharing his story, he sounded very emotional, and it was clear that the whole situation puzzles him.

He began his story saying that his wife is 34 years old, and they together have 3 kids. They have a big age difference, as they’re 12, 5 and 1 y.o., which means they have absolutely different needs and their parents are supposed to set up a stable daily routine, so that everyone in the family gets taken care of.

The man went on saying that he has a full-time job and his wife is fully busy with the kids and the house while he’s at work. Everything might seem like an ordinary family, but his wife’s attitude to her daily tasks is something that has turned the life of this family into a big drama.

The man’s wife has an urge for perfection, and it makes the life of the whole family unbearable.

The man went on with describing the exaggerated urge for perfection that his wife has for absolutely everything she does. He wrote that everything in the household has to be in perfect condition all the time, and his wife spends an enormous amount of time and effort on cleaning, scrubbing, replacing and renovating things. But this sparkling order in their house doesn’t seem to bring her any satisfaction.

The man wrote, “She’s always frustrated, and it’s all too much for her. She asks for help, but I said she should lower her standards and stop turning our house into a sterile place where a single bacterium has no chance of survival.” She got offended, but the man says he’d rather prefer his wife took some extra rest while their 1-year-old is sleeping, instead of polishing the house, but she just wouldn’t listen.

Motherhood has also been a tough thing for the woman and for her husband.

The man wrote that his spouse is also trying to be a “supermom” for their kids. She spends a lot of time washing and ironing their clothes, and she does the laundry even if all of their kids still have spare clothes to wear for the next couple of days. The kids must be dressed perfectly, without a single defect on their clothes, even if their 5-year-old daughter will go outside and will obviously play in the mud and get dirty, her clothes must be perfect when she leaves home. The man wrote that he finds it totally inappropriate, and such attitude makes his wife even more tired and negative towards him, as he constantly suggests ways to save her time by ditching all extra-work.

The school lunches for their 12-year-old son are perfectly organized and his spouse wakes up very early to prepare healthy food for him, then arrange it for him and put it in his schoolbag. But the man believes that their 12-year-old son is grown up enough to take care about his school lunch himself, and that his wife might sleep longer in the morning instead of preparing food, but she insists she’ll do it herself and that their son will do everything incorrectly.

The man believes his wife needs to stop, and he is desperate because of her lifestyle.

The man confessed that his wife is a very good mother and a caring wife, but he’d prefer to see a “messy but happy mom” rather than a constantly irritated and frustrated woman who’s always trying to do some extra work. He wrote, “My wife has turned motherhood into a race to perfection. She has a lot of expectations from the kids, that they must achieve the highest results possible in everything they do. She wants only the best for them, but she’s ruining their childhood instead, not allowing them to make mistakes or to be imperfect in many ways.”

In addition, the man is troubled that his wife puts herself last. She doesn’t care about her appearance, and she has forgotten the time when she last went to a hairdresser or to manicures. She thinks she doesn’t need new clothes because she rarely goes anywhere outside, spending time only for achieving her perfect motherhood goals.

And here’s yet another life dilemma that made one woman rethink her marriage. Her husband refused to help her while she is pregnant, and her story is radiating complex feelings and thoughts.


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what a dilemma....
you have to encourage ur wife to have friends whom are mothers as well... and she needs a therapist.


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