NASA Spots a Mysterious Object That Looks Like a Giant Cosmic ‘Question Mark’

9 months ago

A curious image has been captured by NASA’s James Webb Telescope recently. The bottom center of the image shows a curious object shaped like a question mark. Its true nature is unknown, but scientists do have some guesses about it.

The object is part of a star system called Herbig Haro 46/47 where two young stars are orbiting each other, drawn by gravity. They are spinning and rotating in the Vela Constellation — about 1,470 light-years away from Earth. The ’question mark’ has a red hue, which indicates that it is farther than the other stars in the image.

The nature of this cosmic object is still a mystery, but its shape and color give some clues. It could be a faraway galaxy, or maybe two galaxies that are colliding, making the object look like a question mark. This is what the experts from the STScI in Baltimore think.

Well, it’s unlikely that we have finally found life out there, but perhaps some time soon we will spot it. Meanwhile, please have a look at another article with 20+ cosmic shots that will make you feel the magic of the starry sky.


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