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Nicolas Cage is famous for never mincing his words, but his recent revelation might just be the most shocking yet. The actor seems to have won the most amusing answer ever to the question, “What’s your earliest memory?” We’d love for you to learn more about Cage’s mind-blowing revelation, and let’s see what scientists say about it.
Nicolas Cage, 59, had claimed his earliest memories start from before he was even born, as he says he recalls being in his mother’s womb. He made this shocking statement during a recent interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
While being asked about his earliest childhood memory, Cage replied his memories start from being “in utero.”
“Let me think,” Cage replied to the question. “Listen, I know this sounds really far out, and I don’t know if it’s real or not, but sometimes I think I can go all the way back to in utero and feeling like I could see faces in the dark or something.”
“I know that sounds powerfully abstract,” he continued, “but that somehow seems like it maybe happened. Now that I am no longer in utero, I would have to imagine it was perhaps vocal vibrations resonating through to me at that stage.”
While it may sound unbelievable, some research had shown it’s not actually impossible for us to have memories from before we were born.
According to scientific sources, a study showed that fetuses can hear sounds outside their mother’s womb. They also understand the sounds well enough to remember them after birth.
However, the study only considered babies up to a month old, so it is still unknown if these kinds of memories could be retained into later life.
There’re yet so many things that babies can experience while in the womb. Besides having memories, fetuses have strong food preferences and even demonstrate emotions in the womb. It might be a huge surprise for you to discover that they smile when a woman eats carrots and frown as their moms eat kale.