A Plastic Surgery Guru Explains Why Lindsay Lohan Looks So Different Now

2 days ago

Lindsay Lohan’s latest appearance has caused a stir as fans noticed a change in her look, prompting speculation about whether the actress has opted for a more natural approach to her appearance. Photos from a recent outing Lohan looking refreshed, with some observers suggesting that she may have dissolved her facial fillers.

FaceToFace / 0000001 / REPORTER / East News

Lindsay Lohan, long known for her tumultuous years in the public eye, has recently undergone a striking transformation that has left fans amazed. Throughout her career, Lohan’s appearance and public image have been closely watched, marked by both highs and lows in her personal and professional life. However, her recent Instagram posts showcase a remarkable change that has quickly caught the internet’s attention.

In her latest photos, Lindsay Lohan appears to have turned back the clock. Her youthful glow and radiant beauty have sparked widespread admiration, with many fans noting how rejuvenated she looks. Her skin seems flawless, her smile brighter, and her overall aura more vibrant than ever, suggesting a new lease on life.

Fans have been quick to celebrate her transformation, with comments like, “The way she got every DROP of that filler in her face dissolved and started behaving like the icon she is—a mother,” and, “This is the happiest & healthiest I have ever seen her look. Gorgeous & glowing! Good for her for changing her life & finding true happiness & love for herself.”

Gregorio T. Binuya / Everett Collection / EAST NEWS, zz / Dennis Van Tine / STAR MAX/IPx / Associated Press / East News

Dr. Johnny Betteridge, an expert in plastic surgery, recently analyzed Lindsay Lohan’s transformation in a viral TikTok video. According to him, her current look is the result of several enhancements. From a surgical perspective, Dr. Betteridge believes Lohan may have undergone an upper blepharoplasty, a procedure that reconstructs the upper eyelid. “Her eyes are more open, and there is less skin laxity in this area,” he says. Additionally, her nose now appears sharper and more defined, likely due to a rhinoplasty.

Even with these changes, Dr. Betteridge notes that her face has a more natural appearance than it did in recent years.

At 43, Christina Aguilera is turning heads and leaving fans in disbelief with her remarkably youthful appearance. Fans flooded social media with comments like, “She looks 18!” and couldn’t stop gushing over her stunning transformation.

Preview photo credit Gregorio T. Binuya / Everett Collection / EAST NEWS, zz / Dennis Van Tine / STAR MAX/IPx / Associated Press / East News, lindsaylohan / Instagram


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