nooo..don't mess with Brad Pitt's face
We Changed 15+ Celebrities So Their Faces Fit the Golden Ratio, and Now We Know That Beauty Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect
The standards of beauty have changed over the centuries. Since olden times, people have known about the golden ratio and used it as a criterion of perfection in art and architecture. Many Ancient Greek sculptures and paintings of famous artists were created according to this ratio.
At Bright Side, we decided to conduct an experiment that showed which celebrities have the perfect ratio when it comes to their face, from a scientific point of view. It turned out that the majority of celebrity appearances are not perfect, but this is what makes them unique and beautiful. In the bonus section, we’ll show you how we changed the faces of celebrities with the help of the repose frontal mask.
1. Angelina Jolie
2. Jennifer Aniston
3. Tom Hardy
4. Kim Kardashian
5. Madonna
6. Tom Cruise
7. Chris Hemsworth
8. Jennifer Lawrence
9. Julia Roberts
10. Robert Pattinson
11. Emma Watson
12. Charlize Theron
13. Jake Gyllenhaal
14. Gillian Anderson
15. Scarlett Johansson
16. Jason Momoa
17. Jennifer Lopez
18. Margot Robbie
19. Brad Pitt
Bonus: This is what the process of the makeover looked like.
Which of the celebrities is the most attractive in your opinion, even if they don’t comply with the golden ratio? Tell us in the comments below.
They all look scary
I am sure the ratio versions look a bit like someone out there, not just the celebrity. We are just so used to the celebrities’ faces. I tried looking at the right image without looking at the left.
Kim's face almost didn't change
The golden ratio ruined their beauty.

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