What 20 Celebs Looked Like When They Were Kids

5 years ago

Ah, the good old days, when social media, selfies, and filters weren’t even a thought. When Beyonce was merely participating in singing and dancing competitions and Selena Gomez was just starting her career on Barney & Friends. Celebrities are talented and loved by many, but years before the fame they were simply adorable and filled with childhood innocence.

Bright Side has selected some photos of celebrities from when they were kids showing how far they have come as adults.

1. Selena Gomez

2. Ariana Grande

3. Aziz Ansari

4. Beyoncé

5. Carrie Underwood

6. Cindy Crawford

7. Drake

8. Ellen DeGeneres

9. Gwen Stefani

10. Justin Timberlake

11. Katie Couric

12. Macklemore

13. Mandy Moore

14. Miley Cyrus

15. Ricky Martin

16. Ryan Reynolds

17. Sarah Michelle Gellar

18. Tiffani Thiessen

19. Victoria Justice

20. Adele

These celebrities sure did come a long way since their carefree childhood days. So let us know, who do you think was the most adorable celebrity as a kid?


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