Every single one looks much better in the “before” photo!
What Celebs Looked Like Before Tinkering With Their Appearance
As you’ll surely agree, appearance is very important! Even more so when it comes to show business, where one tries to appeal to hundreds of thousands of people. As a result, a performer’s career often depends on his or her attractiveness. To improve on what nature has given them, and to look younger, celebrities alter their hair and the way they dress, go on strict diets, regularly visit cosmetologists, and at times, even resort to plastic surgery. It’s no wonder that, after all this, some of our favorite stars change beyond all recognition!
We at Bright Side took a trip down memory lane and found out what world-famous celebs looked like before deciding to reinvent their image.
Mariah Carey
Meg Ryan
Dolly Parton
Joan Rivers
Miley Cyrus
Taylor Swift
Meryem Uzerli
Kim Kardashian
Blake Lively
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lawrence
So, what do you think? Which of these stars has really benefited from changing their appearance?
Kim looked so good before all her plastic surgeons..
Miley Cyrus looks so creepy now.

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