What the Cast of Star Wars ’Return of the Jedi’ Looks Like Years After

year ago

In Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, we were captivated by the performances of our favorite actors. Now, let’s take a closer look at how these talented stars have aged gracefully over the years. Let’s get deeper into a nostalgic mood of the enduring magic of the galaxy far, far away.

1. Ian McDiarmid

2. Carrie Fisher

Lucasfilm/Collection Christophel/East News, DailyCeleb/Sipa USA/East News

Passed away in 2016.

3. Frank Oz

4. Harrison Ford

Image supplied by Capital Pictures/EAST NEWS, PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA/AFP/East News

5. Mark Hamill

Lucasfilm / Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation / Collection Christophel / East News, VALERIE MACON/AFP/East News

6. Peter Mayhew

Passed away in 2019.

7. James Earl Jones

8. Michael Carter

9. Warwick Davis

As we watch these old epics, we appreciate the dedication and artistry that went into making them, marveling at the ability to create such monumental spectacles without the aid of modern technology. Loving old epic movies is a celebration of the magic of cinema and a reminder that stories told with passion and vision can transcend time and continue to inspire us.

Preview photo credit Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi / Lucasfilm, Invision/Invision/East News


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