What Would You Do First in This Situation? The Result Can Reveal a Lot About You

5 years ago

There are a lot of things in life that can reveal a lot about you, like everyday habits and body language. Even your smartphone choice can reveal aspects of your personality!

We’ve gotten used to the idea that there are 2 types of choices we can make in a situation: the right one and the wrong one. But our test is not like this. You can’t choose the “wrong” option because they all are correct!

Bright Side invites you to choose 1 of 4 options in each situation and learn more about your personality.

What would you do first?

I do not see a cord attached to the telephone handset so grab it then, while yapping away, spin around and turn off the stove then stride past the wailing kid knowing that a good, hearty cry is good for their lugs while I grab the mutt and toss it out the door into the outside where animals belong then the kid gets some attention. The end. And they lived happily ever after.


1. Turn off the boiling kettle.

If you've chosen the kettle, it can mean that you're a passionate and rather quick-tempered person. You make decisions quickly without doubts, and nothing will stop you from achieving your goal.

You can quickly get bored with monotony. You care about your safety and don't like surprises. It's easier for you to follow a clearly defined plan without unexpected twists and turns.

2. Answer the phone call.

Answering the phone can mean that you are a focused and diplomatic person. You are compulsory and it's hard for you to accept the blunders of others. You can be described as a business person who's able to do many things at the same time.

You can easily communicate with people. You like to make useful acquaintances and enjoy being in the spotlight.

3. Calm the crying baby.

If you would first try to calm the child, you're a calm and resourceful person. You like helping other people and are ready to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others. You're a family person and appreciate human relations.

You're afraid of loneliness and it's important that someone is always near you. For you, a quiet cozy evening with the family is more appealing than a noisy party at a bar.

4. Stop the dog gnawing on the couch.

If you would decide to remove the dog from the couch, this may indicate that you cannot stand a mess. A mess both in the house and in your life. It's important for you to keep everything under control.

You won't calm down until everything is as you want it to be. You pay more attention to material things and social position. You know the answers to all the questions and are prompted about how to act in any situation.

How accurately do these characteristics describe your personality? Do you agree or disagree with all the descriptions? Share your opinion in the comments.

Illustrated by Alena Tsarkova for Bright Side


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Teapot, Dissconnect phone, dog, calm baby. Reason
The baby might be crying because of the noice, take away teapot can remove the noice, disconnect phone because it's more important the baby crying and the ringing could upset her/him, the dog is easily controlable to stop what is doing and then calm the baby without noises that could bother.

4 years ago
Oops, the admin pressed "delete".

I chose 1st to turn off the kettle, because it looked to me like a real danger, it could explode.


I choose the phone, then the kettle, dog, and calm :) because I can still communicate while removing the kettle. And after that I will call the dog too :) then at last calming the baby


I agree with #1, what I also chose. As next I would calm down the dog.


The last thing I would do is the phone, if it's really important, they will call again!!


No. The phone is the most time sensitive issue and therefore should be addressed first. The "if it's important they'll call back" mentality is flawed logic. Why? You have no certain way of knowing what it is. That missed call could be a missed one-time opportunity, which means they wouldn't call back. Besides that, they may assume you're not home because you didn't answer which would eliminate any reason for them to call back, even if it's a life or death matter. Everything else can be sorted out once the phone is picked up. That is if you're capable of multitasking and thinking on different tracks at once. Those who have a one track mind will chose a different option.

The most efficient method of dealing with this situation is pick up the phone, remove the kettle while you're talking to increase the peace and quiet, get rid of the dog with your free hand and then use said free hand to pick up the babby to comfort it. Perfectly balanced, as everything should be.


Actions in order: Answer the phone, because that's the most time sensitive issue. While I'm talking, I'd take the kettle off to bring a bit more peace to the situation, backhand the dog with my free hand and then pick up the babby to quiet it down.


The phone will go answering service and it is probably a telemarker the kettle unless it about to run out of wate will be ok, the baby crying when do babies not cry so it is the dog making a mess and the more he makes the more time it will required to clean it up.


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