What’s Taller Than The Statue Of Liberty

year ago

The Statue of Liberty is 305 ft (93 m) tall and stands on Liberty Island in New York. It’s one of the most famous tourist attractions that The Big Apple has to offer. It was given to America as a gift from France in 1886. The statue was designed by a French sculptor called Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi.

The face of the statue is thought to be based on Bartholdi’s mother, Charlotte. The statue’s full name is the Statue of Liberty Enlightening The World, which is a bit of a tongue twister. We’ll stick with the shortened version for the rest of this article. The total cost to build the statue was over $500,000. In today’s economy, that would be worth about $10 million. It took five years to raise the necessary amount of money to build the statue.

The project was completed in France in 1885. The statue was then disassembled into 350 pieces so that it could be transported to America. A French ship called Isere transported the statue from Paris to New York. However, a disaster nearly prevented the statue from arriving — the ship almost sank in a bad storm during the voyage. It took 4 months to reassemble the 350 pieces when they arrived in New York. The monument was officially unveiled in October 1886. The statue is made from 300 overlapping copper plates. These copper plates weigh a total of 31 tons. A further 125 tons of iron were used to build the statue’s foundation. The statue itself weighs 225 tons. Its crown has 25 windows. They’re thought to represent the ’natural minerals’ of the earth.

The Statue of Liberty was the tallest iron structure ever built when it was unveiled in 1886. But today, it doesn’t even crack the top 5 when it comes to the tallest existing statues. Let’s take a look at several monuments from around the world, which, in some cases, tower over the famous New York monument. But before we get down to the giants in the world of statues, you should know something. Not all of the most famous statues are physically imposing spectacles.

Some of the most renowned monuments are actually quite tiny. This includes the Iron Boy, located in one of the backyards in Stockholm, Sweden. The sculpture depicts a small boy wrapping his arms around his knees. It was created by a Swedish artist called Liss Eriksson in 1967. The statue is only 6 in (15 cm) tall. The tiny monument’s full name translates to ’Little Boy Who Looks At The Moon,’ but people shortened it for their own convenience. The Iron Boy receives all kinds of strange gifts throughout the year. Sometimes, he can be seen wearing a cap or a scarf. Guests also leave coins, fruits, and sushi on the stone bench where he sits.

There’s another famous world monument that’s literally as tiny as a mouse. Actually, two mice. The monument is called The Philpot Lane Mice and can be found in London. It depicts two mice fighting over a piece of cheese. The statue was constructed in 1862. The story claims that once, two construction workers had an argument: one was accused of having stolen the other’s lunch. This tiny monument is said to be left as a tribute to the event.

Starting off the top five of the tallest monuments in the world is The Statue Of Belief. It’s found in Nathdwara, India. It stands at an impressive 348 ft (106 m) tall. The statue depicts Shiva — an important symbol of Hinduism. About 2,200 tons of steel were used in the construction of the massive statue. A 300 sq. ft (28 sq. m) garden surrounds the statue. More than 750 workers took part in the construction of the monument. Its size allows it to be seen from Kankroli Flyover — which is roughly 13 mi (21 km) away. The construction works began in 2012, but the statue was completed just recently. It’s probably no surprise that it serves as a major tourist attraction in Nathdwara today.

The Ushiku Buddha Statue is located in Tsukuba in Japan. It’s the fourth tallest statue in the world, with a height of 393 ft (120 m). The monument weighs an incredible 4,000 tons and was built in 1993 to commemorate the birth of Shinran, a famous Japanese monk. The left hand of the monument is 60 ft (18 m) long. Tourists can ride an elevator to the viewing gallery, located at almost 280 ft (85 m). From here, visitors are treated to incredible views. On a clear day, you can see as far as Tokyo Skytree, which is roughly 42 mi (67 km) away from the monument. The lovely gardens surrounding the statue are full of flowers in season. Visitors can pick some and take them home. You can see the cosmos in September and October, poppies in May, and peonies and hydrangeas in May and June!

The third tallest monument on our planet is the Laykyun Setkyar. It’s found in a village called Khatakan Taung in Myanmar. The statue is 423 ft (129 m) tall. The construction of the monument began in 1996, and it took 12 years to finish. The monument was presented to the public in February 2008. The construction took so much time because it was funded by the public. The monument is a depiction of Buddha Shakyamuni, who many believe to be the founder of Buddhism. The sculpture is painted yellow, which is considered to be the color of wisdom in Buddhism. Each element of the monument is extremely precise and detailed.

Many tourists have no idea that inside the monument, there’s a special elevator that provides access to 27 different floors. Visitors can enter the statue and look at different paintings on the walls of the lower floors. The inside of the monument also houses a temple. The area outside the statue is a popular landmark for tourists, too. Here you can find the surrounding garden of Bodhi trees, with more than 9,000 plants. Not only are there plenty of plants next to the monument, but there are also thousands of miniature sitting Buddha statues!

Keeping with the theme of monuments depicting Buddhas, the runner-up in the competition for the world’s largest monument is the Spring Temple Buddha. You’ll find it in Henan, China. It’s over 500 ft (153 m) tall. The monument is made up of over 200 lbs (100 kg) of gold, 3,300 tons of copper alloy, and 1,500 tons of steel. It also covers an area of over 11,000 square feet. The diamond seat beneath the statue consists of 6,666 miniature buddhas. It took eleven years to construct. Construction works began in 1997, and the statue was unveiled in 2008. The entire Spring Temple project cost roughly $50 million, with $18 million spent directly on the materials and construction of the monument.

You’ve waited this long; it’s now time to find out the identity of the world’s tallest statue. The Statue of Unity is in the state of Gujarat in India. Its height? Just under a record-breaking 600 ft (183 m)! Worth the wait, right? The statue is a tribute to the ’Iron Man of India’ — Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. He served as the First Deputy Prime Minister of India from 1947 until 1950. He’s credited with merging over 560 princely states into what we now know as the Union of India.

Remarkably, when compared to the other statues we’ve looked at, the “Iron Man” only took three and a half years to build. It was constructed by a team of 300 engineers and 3,400 workers. The monument is made up of roughly 70,000 tons of cement and nearly 25,000 tons of steel. 12,000 bronze panels cover the structure. The base of the monument is constructed with over 129 tons of scrap iron donated by nearly 100 million farmers from across India. All in all, the statue weighs a total of 1,700 tons. The Statue of Unity has a viewing gallery that can accommodate 200 visitors at a time. It also hosts a museum with 2,000 photographs, 40,000 documents, video presentations, and a research center. The whole thing is nearly twice the size of the Statue of Liberty! Wow.


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