I feel like relationships nowadays have changed a lot! Not only on this matter, but in general. Now you see such small kids in a relationship, adults unwilling to have a serious partner and so on...
Why Partners Who’re Ready to Accept Any Changes in Your Body Are So Rare Nowadays
More than a half of American teenagers around 17 years old are unhappy with their bodies. In the future, a negative body image influences self-esteem and can lead to eating disorders or even depression. In this situation, a partner who can’t mentally and physically support you can feel even more devastating.
Bright Side wants to, once again, point out the importance of supporting each other. After all, a healthy relationship is one that is based on the full acceptance of each other, and this union can gift us our life’s purpose.
It’s about physical attraction.
Body image plays a significant role in our society, it’s hard to deny it. Even though people started standing up for themselves and learning how to accept the flaws of their figures, the pressure to look perfect is still there. Sadly, it happens that people fall in love because they find each other’s bodies attractive, but not because of their mental connection.
Time brings change.
The relationship that is built on a purely physical attraction means that it might not last very long. Our bodies tend to change as we get older, and not always in the way we want them to. Stress, medication, illnesses, our mental state, and even our aging take their toll on us, making us either bigger or smaller than we used to be.
Make things clear.
Instead of being too focused on the changes in your partner’s body you can try to encourage them to love it! Be honest with your partner, get to know what lead to this, and what bothers them. Together you can make a plan to improve the situation. Though, if the changes in their body can’t be reduced very easily, it doesn’t mean you need to stop loving them and leave.
Learn how to accept their body.
It might seem like a real test for your relationship. And the only way to pass it is to learn to genuinely love every detail about your partner. Also, it’s your job to teach them how to accept themselves and reassure them that your feelings are just as strong as they used to be. After all, your negative attitude towards their body can only hurt them and significantly lower their self-esteem.
Grow together.
Another important thing that you need to learn to have a healthy relationship is to love your partner for who they are. Liking them as a person means not only knowing and accepting their mental flaws, but also simply enjoying being around them. Developing a strong connection with each other will make your love truly strong, and your body image won’t play as significant a role.
Are you happy with your body image? Does your partner accept the changes in your body? Let’s discuss it in the comment section!
This is not encouraging at all but I know true love is out there! I'm sure it is
I think this article is so right. Relationship grow with time and acceptance. Not everyone can see your flaws, demons and accept them. I feel like nowadays people are just into their own selves that they don't have time to deal with someone else ???
A couple really really needs to take care of each other. One way of taking care is to make sure that the health of each other is protected. When I get old and need to help my partner turn over I’ll be glad I helped keep both of us strong and lean enough that lifting of his body will not break me down. Is that unrealistic?
Why are all the photos focused only on overweight women? I feel like overweight men were not well represented.
That aside, for any relationship to last long term, communication, honesty, and listening are key components. Maintaining friendship with ones partner will bring on the longevity of a relationship.

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