You Can Now Buy Resin Furniture That Looks Like Ocean Waves Crashing on the Beach

2 years ago

The work of 2 creative artists, Jared Davis and Rivka Wilkins, transports you directly to the sand and ocean through stunning wood and resin tables that look like a wave is breaking right in front of you. Davis does woodworking and shapes the tables, while Wilkins combines pigments and resin to create patterns by blowing it with a heat gun. You can check their social media to see the steps they take during their whole process and buy yours at their Etsy shop.

We at Bright Side decided to bring you some photos of these incredible pieces of art.

The pieces come from combining live edge slabs with a lacing technique.

The table comes from the combination of 2 techniques. First David selects a live edge slab, cuts it, and molds it. Then he sends the piece to Wilkins who applies “lacing” to it, which consists of mixing resin with a pigment, and then blowing it with a heat gun. It is important to wait a certain amount of time, to guarantee the pattern shows up. After that, David finishes up the piece.

Nature is their inspiration.

To create these beautiful works of art, both artists take nature as an inspiration. Especially because the result is an homage, it is a combination of wood with the resin that looks so much like water. It is truly amazing to see how the piece represents the natural curves of a shoreline.

The tables get done in 2 different art studios.

Since the artists decided to collaborate on this project, the pieces get shipped to and from each other’s studios. David does his part, then the wood goes to Wilkins’ studio to get painted, and then they go back to David’s so he can get them finalized and ready for their new homes.

The artists met through Instagram and decided to collaborate.

David is dedicated to wood, while Wilkins does gorgeous pieces using resin. After scrolling through her Instagram, the slab artist saw the painter’s work and invited her to combine their talents and collaborate to create unique pieces of art that could instantly transport anyone to the beach. That’s how these magnificent wave tables came to life.

Their first collaboration was a giveaway.

Since they met through Instagram, their first collaboration was a giveaway to celebrate Davis’s 40k followers. He sent her a bench so that she could resin it and then raffle it off. It went so well that they started to talk about doing it more and became partners, creating more of these delicate pieces.

Other objects that transport you to the beach




Do you own any furniture that looks like a piece of art? Share your photos with us!


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