It starts to hit me from the #1 sign.
11 Signs That Show You’re Getting Older
5 years ago
At a certain point, we suddenly realize that we and the people we grew up with (even though they seem very young) are already 30, 40, or even 50 years old. So, we have other reasons to be happy, and sad now. If you still haven’t decided whether you are young or not, these 11 pictures will help you figure it out.
We at Bright Side are convinced that every age has its advantages, it’s just that we have to have a good sense of humor.
You don’t like the modern music anymore.
And the old movies are better than the new ones.
When you have a party at home, your neighbors don’t even realize it.
And in the middle of the party you feel sleepy and want to go home.
Your favorite music is 20 years old.
You can harm yourself even by just sitting in a chair.
When you see the giant house in Home Alone, you think about how big their mortgage must be.
The people you know start having planned children.
You decide to start cleaning by yourself and sometimes even skip work to do it.
All your injuries are the result of sleeping in a strange position.
You have a favorite grocery store.
Do you recognize yourself in any of these illustrations?
Illustrated by Alice Perkmini for Bright Side
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At the middle of a party? I feel sleepy at 10PM ?
Agree with every single illustration! :D
Old movies are always better than new ones :)
They have a special warm vibe that you can't find in modern films and series
I am old at just 20 :P
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