15+ People Prove That Any Kitchen Can Become Really Cozy

year ago

The kitchen is always the place where lots of work gets done. It’s nice to try out new and complex recipes or enjoy a cozy breakfast. That’s why you want to invest as much effort and time as possible into this room so that the result justifies all of your expectations, even if it’s a really small room. The folks from our article were not deterred by their limited square footage, and they were able to create real masterpieces.

“My little kitchen workspace”

Small but bright kitchen.

“My husband found these produce bags. Our kitchen is tiny, so he found pretty hooks to hang them.”

“Gave my teeny tiny kitchen a mini facelift!”

Kitchen in Germany

“Our smallish (rental) kitchen & dining space in Austria”

“After 2 years our kitchen is complete!”

“I basically sleep in my kitchen, but it’s perfect for one person.”

“Little before/after of my non-masculine, Grandma-inspired kitchen.”

“Tried to make the best out of a very compact kitchen/dining space.”

“My kitchen remodel”

“My tiny kitchen. Just about finished, I think!”

“Working on giving my tiny kitchen a cottage vibe. I’m loving it so far!”

“My tiny rental kitchen ‘makeover.’ I feel it’s cozier and brighter now.”

“I had a tiny kitchen. So, I revamped it and made a working pantry!”

“Old furniture, a floor you can’t wash, bad layout... We wanted a complete makeover!”

Torsus / Pikabu
Torsus / Pikabu
Preview photo credit Torsus / Pikabu


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