They were mad grandma had snow and we didn’t because they wanted to make snow angels. (A whole bag of powdered sugar later...)

On average, children ask 73 questions a day. Unfortunately, there’s no statistic on the number of times a kid makes their parents facepalm per day but if we were to make a guess, we’d say it’s a lot!
And it’s not just the questions. Occasionally, they’ll do something that makes you feel conflicted and you won’t know whether to laugh or cry. We at Bright Side think these 19 pictures below perfectly illustrate that feeling.
Which of these kids made you laugh the loudest? Also, if you have any pictures of your children that portray this same feeling, go ahead and share them with us in the comments below!
They were mad grandma had snow and we didn’t because they wanted to make snow angels. (A whole bag of powdered sugar later...)
I feel with that kid who has been forced on the stage as Elvis. He looks quite ashamed and sad. I think this could have been traumatic. Poor child.
The Elvis one 🤣🤣🤣