Family & kids

From the joyous chaos of playtime to the heartwarming moments of familial love, the "Family & Kids" section invites you to explore the many facets of family life. It's a space dedicated to sharing stories, advice, and insights about familial bonds that make life meaningful and fulfilling.

Here you can find a variety of topics, each shedding light on the complex and beautiful dynamics of family life. You'll read stories that highlight parenting trials and triumphs, offering perspectives from different walks of life and diverse family structures. Here, we celebrate the unconventional and embrace the unique, recognizing that every family has its own story to tell.

In the "Family & Kids" section, we believe in the importance of lifelong learning. You'll find thought-provoking articles that challenge common misconceptions and encourage open discussion about topics that matter. From understanding the benefits of sleeping in separate beds to navigating the complexities of sibling relationships, we aim to provide you with a fresh look at family dynamics.

Safety and well-being are paramount to us. We share tips and insights from experts that can help ensure your loved ones' safety. Whether it's a swimming instructor warning about the dangers of a seemingly harmless habit or a story highlighting the importance of DNA testing, our articles are designed to inform and educate.

As we explore the world of parenting, we also delve into the joys and challenges of raising children. From celebrity parenting styles to the awe-inspiring resilience of parents searching for their lost child, our articles encapsulate the breadth of experiences that shape the journey of parenthood.

In the spirit of inclusivity, we also shine a light on controversial topics that spark important conversations about parenting decisions. We believe in creating a platform for open dialogue, where everyone can share their views and learn from others.

Overall, the "Family & Kids" section is a celebration of family life in all its forms. It's a space where you can immerse yourself in stories that inspire, educate, and provoke thought. No matter what your family looks like, we hope that our content will resonate with you, offering a deeper understanding of the dynamics that make family life both challenging and rewarding.

Join us as we explore the intricate tapestry of family life, diving into stories that capture the essence of love, resilience, and the undeniable bond that ties us together.

Recent Stories of Family & kids

My Husband Is Pressuring Me to Accept His Mom Living With Us

My Husband Is Pressuring Me to Accept His Mom Living With Us
2 hours ago

Creating a peaceful home can be challenging when an unwanted family member enters the picture. Clara, a Bright Side reader, wrote to us seeking advice because her husband wants his mother to move in, while Clara believes it will disrupt their tranquility. Her husband issued an ultimatum, leaving Clara in a tough spot.

My Twin Sister Hid Her Husband From Me Because of a Shocking Reason

My Twin Sister Hid Her Husband From Me Because of a Shocking Reason
6 hours ago

People’s preconceived idea that twins tell each other everything could crumble with this story from our reader. A woman discovered that her twin sister was keeping an ultimate secret, and she’s having a hard time trying to process it. She wants to forgive her, but what happened is far too shocking to be easily dealt with.

I Refuse to Sacrifice My Future to Become My Family’s "Savior"

I Refuse to Sacrifice My Future to Become My Family’s "Savior"
10 hours ago

When we face a tough choice in life, sometimes we’re torn between our feelings and logical thoughts. Tracy, a young woman, recently had to decide whether to pay for her youngest sister’s medical care as her mom asked. Tracy said no because she’s saving money to build her future. But her mom’s response broke her heart. Tracy reached out to us for guidance.

I’m Forbidden From Attending My Stepson’s Birthday Party

I’m Forbidden From Attending My Stepson’s Birthday Party
14 hours ago

Things can quickly become uncomfortable when the relationship between parents in a blended family isn’t good. Stella, a Bright Side reader, recently reached out to us about her discomfort. She’s never gotten along with her husband’s ex, and now, she’s in a tough spot because she’s not invited to her stepson’s birthday party. She’s seeking advice on what to do.

My MIL Interrupted Our Wedding Vows and Yelled at Me at Our Wedding

My MIL Interrupted Our Wedding Vows and Yelled at Me at Our Wedding
22 hours ago

We all have some special memories from our wedding day. Some are sweet, while others may be even bitter, and some may be just comic. But anyway, this day is probably something that gets carved in our memory for the rest of our life. Our today’s heroine is a woman, whose memories about her special day turned out to be something that she wishes she could erase completely. She wrote us a letter, where she shared her story that took the most unexpected turn right on a significant day.

I’m Divorcing My Wife Because of What She Did to My Baby

I’m Divorcing My Wife Because of What She Did to My Baby
day ago

Being deceived within a relationship can have significant and lasting effects, particularly when it involves deeply personal topics like a partner's fertility. When trust is broken in such an intimate context, it can lead to profound emotional pain and damage the foundation of the relationship. A poignant example surfaced recently on Reddit, where a husband poured out his anguish upon uncovering years of deceit.

My MIL Secretly Had My DNA Tested and Uncovered a Shocking Truth

My MIL Secretly Had My DNA Tested and Uncovered a Shocking Truth
day ago

Many people unfortunately have a troubling relationship with their mother-in-law. But in today’s story from one of our reader’s, her MIL’s invasion of privacy had a serious motive behind it. The woman was left completed stunned by it all and is now in search of advice on how to move forward.

My Mother-in-Law Announced She Is Pregnant at My Baby's Gender Reveal Party

My Mother-in-Law Announced She Is Pregnant at My Baby's Gender Reveal Party
day ago

A woman shared something totally unexpected that happened at a baby's gender reveal party, as her mother-in-law and her husband took everyone by surprise. Set in a sunny Miami backyard amidst the excitement of revealing the baby's gender, this story takes a dramatic turn that no one saw coming. Buckle up for a journey through family dynamics and surprising revelations.

I Completely Fell Out of Love With My Wife After She Took a 7-Week Vacation

I Completely Fell Out of Love With My Wife After She Took a 7-Week Vacation
2 days ago

When we’re getting married, we can hardly imagine that our spouse will ever fall out of love with us. Our romantic feelings seem an eternal thing for us, and the bond we have with our SO seems unbreakable. Our today’s hero, however, discovered that he easily stopped loving his wife, and it didn’t happen because of her infidelity or some other serious thing. The woman took a break from her kids and went traveling and got back home to find her spouse totally indifferent about her.

My MIL Wants My Yet Unborn Baby to Call HER «Mom»

My MIL Wants My Yet Unborn Baby to Call HER «Mom»
2 days ago

Every woman with kids would probably be fuming if some other person approached her and said that her child must call them “mother.” The same happened to our heroine, Rebecca, who’s 34 and who’s pregnant with her 1st baby. But the things are even worse in her situation, because it’s her mother-in-law who puts forward such absurd demands. Rebecca wrote to us and told us her whole story, that made us have a lot of emotions, too.

My Wife Refuses to Support My Elderly Parents, I Think It’s Unfair and I’m Fuming

My Wife Refuses to Support My Elderly Parents, I Think It’s Unfair and I’m Fuming
2 days ago

A man, 35, has recently shared his very tricky family situation with us, that has provoked a lot of opinions inside our editorial. He wrote that he was totally frustrated because of his wife's unwillingness to help his parents and to support them by giving them some sum of money. The man cannot understand why his wife is being so rude to his family members, while with her own parents she behaves in a totally different way. He wrote to us in order to listen to what our readers would say, and here's his story.

Trending stories of Family & kids

My Sister Can’t Have Kids, and I’m Very Happy About It, Here’s My Reason Why

My Sister Can’t Have Kids, and I’m Very Happy About It, Here’s My Reason Why
2 months ago

A woman wrote a letter to our editorial and told us her extraordinary family story, that made us all have totally mixed feelings. She’s had a very special relationship with her sister, and once she found out that her sister is infertile, she could feel nothing but a total joy. Let’s take a deeper look at what’s been happening between these two women that resulted in such a whimsical turn of their lives.

15 People Who Uncovered a Family Secret That Shattered Their Reality

15 People Who Uncovered a Family Secret That Shattered Their Reality
6 months ago

On numerous occasions, we may find ourselves wanting to covertly eavesdrop on the conversations of others or wish for an invisible way to discover someone’s hidden truths. Thanks to a group of brave people on Reddit who were ready to share their most profound familial mysteries, you can now achieve this with ease using the power of the internet.

10+ Unusual Family Secrets That Made People Question Everything

10+ Unusual Family Secrets That Made People Question Everything
4 months ago

We all know families have secrets. Some of them keep peace, while others can make us feel really uneasy. Research shows secrets fall into 3 types — taboos, rule violations and conventional secrets. But instead of studying them, we wanted to share the deepest secrets people told under an anonymous username online — secrets that completely turned their world upside down.

I Took a DNA Test for Fun and Ended Up Uncovering a Family Secret

I Took a DNA Test for Fun and Ended Up Uncovering a Family Secret
3 months ago

Nothing is worse than discovering that the person who calls you “son” is not your real father. This has happened to some people who do an at-home DNA test out of sheer curiosity or to find out more about their roots. The young man in our article took the test together with his father, and both discovered a hidden truth about their family.

15+ Stories Where Kids Broke All Their Parents’ Upbringing Strategies

15+ Stories Where Kids Broke All Their Parents’ Upbringing Strategies
3 years ago

Raising kids is a complicated activity. Parents need to manage to keep their authority but at the same time not overstep the mark. The most difficult thing is to not start laughing when a kid figures out everything in their own way and when something turns out completely different from what you expected.

12 Crazy Stories That Happened Right in the Delivery Room

12 Crazy Stories That Happened Right in the Delivery Room
3 months ago

Even though motherhood is one of the most precious experiences, the process of giving birth tends to be one of the most challenging things that many women have to go through. However, sometimes, the physical pain of childbirth can be eclipsed by other, more uncomfortable and awkward situations. The stories on our list have the perfect mix of eeriness and confusion that makes the childbirth memory of these women truly one of a kind.

15 People Who Found Out Their Family Was Hiding Something From Them

15 People Who Found Out Their Family Was Hiding Something From Them
3 months ago

Most families likely have their own long-held secrets, spanning decades or even centuries. However, eventually, all hidden truths tend to come to light. Today, the growing interest in tracing family histories and the occasional stroke of luck can accelerate this unveiling process. The people in our compilation have discovered fascinating stories that have greatly changed how they see the world.

14 People Shared the Turns Their Life Took After They Adopted a Kid

14 People Shared the Turns Their Life Took After They Adopted a Kid
3 years ago

Adopting a kid is a difficult process full of hopes that changes the habitual flow of life completely. Some people instantly get a new family with a bond even stronger than the ones in ordinary families, others spend years trying to gradually build up relationships, but eventually fail to find any common ground.

18 People Share the Creepiest Things Kids Have Said to Them and We Got Goosebumps

18 People Share the Creepiest Things Kids Have Said to Them and We Got Goosebumps
year ago

Kids get scared much easier than adults and, as a result, they sometimes create a story as a result of these fears. They might also have imaginary friends that they have conversations with when no one can see them. But this behavior is nothing to worry about, since it is normal for the growth of a child. What parents can do is to simply talk to their kids and reassure them that everything is alright.

24 Stories That Prove Family Bonds Are Like No Other

24 Stories That Prove Family Bonds Are Like No Other
2 years ago

In the famous words of Robert De Niro in Meet the Fockers, a family is like a “circle of trust.” It’s not just DNA that links you to that group of people but it’s also the stories you’ve created along the way. There might be a bit of sibling rivalry or some cheeky comments from the youngest members of the family, but we still love them because they’ve always been by our side.

Best of the Week of Family & kids

10 Essential Tips About Newborn Care That All Parents Should Know

10 Essential Tips About Newborn Care That All Parents Should Know
2 years ago

A kid may be a tornado of joy and excitement, but it can also make you doubt yourself and your choices. Nobody teaches us about being parents, but we can learn to be one in a way that fits our needs and the expectations of our children. Adopting some practical solutions, on the other hand, might help you cope with the situation and gain greater confidence in your connection with your child.

17 Babies Who Look Like They Already Have Too Much Life Experience

17 Babies Who Look Like They Already Have Too Much Life Experience
year ago

One common thing old people and babies have is way too much skin for their facial bones. So inevitably, the skin gets saggy, and in the case of babies, they look older than they actually are. But that is only temporary, since as they get older, the bones grow, and they make the skin over them tighter. But it is still hilarious when we see babies that look like they are about to be eligible for their pension.

How the Birthmark on Baby Niece’s Body Exposed the Truth About My Cheating Husband

How the Birthmark on Baby Niece’s Body Exposed the Truth About My Cheating Husband
2 months ago

One ordinary day, as I cradled my baby niece, something peculiar grabbed my attention. On her tiny arm was a birthmark, an exact replica of the one adorning my husband’s body. It was a peculiar coincidence, one I couldn’t ignore. Fueled by confusion and suspicion, I decided to delve deeper before confronting my husband.

9 Celebrities That Prove Genetic Diversity Is Beautiful

9 Celebrities That Prove Genetic Diversity Is Beautiful
year ago

Genetics work in mysterious ways. Sometimes children look more like one parent than the other or even more like relatives, grandparents, uncles, or aunts. In today’s compilation, we wanted to show how a multi-ethnic background gave these celebrities their unique beauty.

8 Parenting Mistakes That Can Affect a Child’s Adult Life

8 Parenting Mistakes That Can Affect a Child’s Adult Life
5 years ago

Responsible parents will do anything to raise a happy and successful child, but sometimes they fail. Parenting mistakes can cause children to start analyzing the events that happen around them and create a worldview that has an impact on their future life.

Monthly Top Picks of Family & kids

My Mother Doesn’t Deserve to See Her Grandchild

My Mother Doesn’t Deserve to See Her Grandchild
5 months ago

Navigating the journey of parenthood proves to be a demanding task for every new couple. Many look forward to the assistance of their families in easing the responsibilities of caring for the baby. Yet, the challenge arises when even grandparents, despite their children’s appeals, are hesitant to embrace the role of the designated babysitter.

What Might Happen If You Start Giving Your Baby Solid Food Instead of Purées

What Might Happen If You Start Giving Your Baby Solid Food Instead of Purées
2 years ago

Baby-led weaning (BLW) is an approach that encourages introducing solid food to babies by letting them feed themselves, starting around 6 months of age. Instead of giving babies purées, you offer them a safe version of the family meal, which they can pick up and eat at their own pace. This approach offers a variety of benefits, such as encouraging healthier eating behaviors and developing fine motor skills. Plus, it can be more enjoyable for babies and for parents too.

10 Kids That Stunned Parents With Their Way of Thinking

10 Kids That Stunned Parents With Their Way of Thinking
3 years ago

Some kids are like little machines that are constantly making up phrases and doing things that are absolutely unbelievable. Their parents always have to keep their phones ready to make sure they either write everything down or capture the photographic evidence. Today’s article is exactly about these kids.

8 Things That Parents Have Difficulty Telling Their Kids

8 Things That Parents Have Difficulty Telling Their Kids
2 years ago

About 69% of parents are not willing to talk to their kids about their money situation, a study found. And about 61% of parents had the discussion, but only when their kids asked a question about their finances. This might come from a place of fear, where parents don’t want their kids to worry. Whatever the reasons are, stay tuned to find out what other things parents have trouble explaining to their kids.

15 Tweets That Prove Every Mom Has a Great Sense of Humor

15 Tweets That Prove Every Mom Has a Great Sense of Humor
year ago

Being a mommy never gets easier. Like you can wait for your little ones to grow older, but huh, now they are teenagers, and they’re completely not interested in you. So here comes humor to rescue you! Today we gathered 15 tweets for our readers to show how these mommies manage to cope with different situations. Get ready for some wild laughter!

7 Tips on How to Deal With Tantrums in a Calm Way

7 Tips on How to Deal With Tantrums in a Calm Way
year ago

Temper tantrums are very common among kids between the ages of 1 and 3. They usually happen as a way for a child to show their emotions, and they can manifest through screaming, hitting, and even holding one’s breath. That’s because children at this age don’t have the ability to express their frustration with words, and it’s in their parents’ hands to address the issue and make the kid feel safe and calm.