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6 Toothbrushing Mistakes That Are Keeping You From Having a Hollywood Smile
There’s more than one million bacteria on your toothbrush, and although most of them are harmless, some can still hurt your teeth. While daily brushing is essential for keeping your teeth healthy, some mistakes you might be unknowingly making can do more harm than good.
Here at Bright Side, we decided to dive deeper into this question and find out what common mistakes we should avoid to keep our teeth in top shape.
1. You’re rinsing your mouth after brushing.
Although you might be used to rinsing your mouth right after brushing your teeth, doing so can actually make the brushing less effective. Because water dilutes the concentrated fluoride in the toothpaste, it may keep you from reaping all of its benefits. If you still feel the need to rinse your mouth out of habit, use a fluoride mouthwash to keep your enamel well protected.
2. You aren’t brushing your tongue.
If you ever noticed bad breath no matter how thoroughly you brushed your teeth, you might want to start brushing your tongue as well. Your taste buds offer bacteria a perfect environment to multiply, and if you’re skipping your tongue, it may eventually cause your breath to smell.
3. You’re flossing too much.
Although flossing is an essential part of your oral hygiene routine and is vital for your gums, you can actually overdo a good thing. There’s no need to floss more than once a day, as harmful bacteria take 4 to 12 hours to develop. While flossing correctly can prevent gum disease, doing it the wrong way might work the other way around and might even lead to gum damage.
4. You keep using your old toothbrush.
While it’s easy to get attached to your favorite old toothbrush, using it for too long can lead to cavities and damage your gums. There are always some food particles left between the bristles, and if you keep using the same toothbrush, you’re exposing yourself to the same bacteria over and over again. And if you keep your toothbrush in a humid bathroom it might start growing mold, so if you notice any black spots on the bristles, you might want to replace your toothbrush right away.
5. You don’t switch your toothpastes.
When you finally find a toothpaste that does wonders for your teeth, it might feel tempting to stock up on it. But the microorganisms that live in your mouth can get used to a specific toothpaste, making brushing less effective. It’s better to change your toothpastes every 2-3 months, and some dentists even recommend using different types of toothpaste in the morning and the evening.
6. You’re brushing right after eating.
Although brushing your teeth after eating can help keep harmful bacteria at bay, doing it immediately after a meal can actually weaken your enamel. It’s recommended to wait 30 to 60 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth to keep your pearly whites healthy.
Which of these mistakes surprised you the most? Have you been making any of them?

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