8 Unhealthy Foods That Are Actually Good for You

year ago

Looking around at a bunch of cakes and cookies might be a real challenge, especially if you’re on a diet. It’s hard to resist, and you probably think that you need to get yourself together and turn away from those evil carbohydrates. In reality, you can look, smell, or even take a bite or 2, it won’t ruin your diet if you eat them in moderation. In fact, on the contrary, you may even benefit from it.

Bright Side explains why you can grab and eat that cookie from the kitchen without feeling guilty.

1. Pizza

Tomato sauce contains lycopene — a powerful antioxidant that can protect you from heart disease, especially when it’s hot. Pizza dough contains antioxidants as well due to the chemical reactions of the yeast. Besides, it covers all food groups — you cover 5 different food groups with just one pizza.

2. French fries

You can easily get your daily protein intake by munching on some French fries. They also improve the absorption of nutrients in your body and even prevent muscle cramps. Interestingly, they promote proper early brain development during pregnancy and infancy.

3. Donuts

Donuts are full of vitamin C, zinc, and can even have different fruit fillings. They are actually healthier than muffins — donuts have almost half the calories and sugar. Similarly, cereal in the morning also pales in comparison. When you eat donuts, you know you’re indulging, so you limit yourself, while eating seemingly healthy cereal might give you the wrong perception.

4. Popcorn

Popcorn reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by lowering cholesterol levels. 3 cups of popcorn are equal to 1 cup of oatmeal — it has plenty of fiber and helps with constipation. In addition, it’s also low in calories and, at the same time, it’s filling and tasty.

5. Hamburgers

Hamburgers made with red meat are the best source of heme iron. Using lean meat in homemade hamburgers can help prevent nervous disorders and boost your immune system. They also contain 2.5 micrograms of vitamin B-12, which is 100% of the recommended daily intake for adults. You can make them healthier by grilling patties instead of frying them.

6. Cookies

Cookies can do wonders for your body — they’re good for your bones because they contain calcium, and now you can also find digestive cookies that are fiber-rich and lower cholesterol. Adding healthy ingredients will double the benefits. For example, dried fruits are rich in iron and potassium, while chia seeds contain omega-3 fats.

7. Hot Dogs

Beef hot dogs provide you with around 4% of your daily iron value. They are also rich in protein, which helps you repair and build your body’s tissues. Besides, hot dogs also support brain health as selenium is their essential nutrient which is important for hormone metabolism.

8. Cake

Believe it or not, one study found that a 600-calorie breakfast that includes a piece of cake actually helps you lose weight. The participants who stayed away from desert felt like they weren’t full or satisfied, which later caused cravings. The group that did eat cake for breakfast almost didn’t have any cravings. In a nutshell, curbing cravings is better than deprivation.

What unhealthy foods do you often crave? How many times a week do you eat fast food?


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