10 Tips for Women That Will Keep Men Hooked

11 months ago

Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider have become widely popular for their bestselling book The Rules. Thousands of women worldwide have already used their advice and given outstanding feedback.

Today Bright Side brings you the most interesting (from our point of view) parts of The New Rules which continues to give recommendations on how to keep your man crazy about you. So here we go!

1. Don’t rush to the phone whenever you hear him calling. You can be busy. What’s wrong with that?

2. Reply to all texts from a new acquaintance concisely.

3. Wait at least a couple of hours before replying to the first man’s text. Further texting shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes a day.

4. Don’t answer texts like "What are you doing in five minutes?" Better ignore them altogether.

5. Let guys guess what you’re doing, where you are, and with whom. Don’t be an open book in social networks.

6. Texts and any other messages after midnight are a taboo in 90% of cases. Serious girls are asleep after 12 am, even if they’re really not.

7. Stay away from his social network profile, and write on his timeline as rarely as possible.

8. Text each other for no more than 20 minutes a day. Make him find time to meet you in person.

9. Smileys are fine with your girlfriends, but sending lots of them to a man is a sign of immaturity.

10. Even if you want to be with him 24/7, try not to be an easy prey — men love a challenge.

Remember that these rules are only recommendations. Don’t be too strict about them, and follow them with care.

Illustrated by Yekaterina Ragozina for Bright Side


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