Ginger production is a good reason to be thankful for globalization. Even though it’s produced in Asia and it takes up to 10 months to harvest one root, we don’t have any problem finding this delicacy in any part of the world all year round. In fact, more and more specialists recommend having some daily ginger, especially in the form of hot tea, because of its benefits to our health.
According to this study, nearly half of all adults experience at least one headache each year. Headaches come in various forms, including migraines, cluster headaches, and those triggered by tension, vision issues, or sinus problems. Among them, tension headaches are the most widespread, impacting approximately 1.6 billion people worldwide.Headaches can strike unexpectedly, anywhere and anytime. Check 11 effective techniques to banish them quickly.
There is a reason why these items have captured the hearts and minds of buyers. You’ll understand the hype over these products after trying them, too. Let’s not waste another minute and discover what makes these best sellers so irresistible!
You know that feeling when things just don’t add up? Yeah, that’s a “glitch in the matrix” moment, inspired by The Matrix movie. From freaky coincidences to downright bizarre happenings, these stories will leave you scratching your head and wondering what’s really going on behind the scenes.
While some might think that animated movies are only for the little ones, this is not always true. Talented producers and their crews keep coming up with amazing things that both kids and their parents can enjoy, and learn something new from it! That’s why, we have created a list of new kids movies that even adults will love to see. Make sure to save it!
Good food should never go to waste, and KitKat manufacturers stick to this rule. It was spotted once that messed up KitKats ended up in a large blue bin. Then they go through a “reworking” process. The candy is first combined with cocoa liquor, then some sugar is added there. And in the end, the manufacturer gets the paste that’s used to glue the waffles inside each KitKat bar. So the KitKat filling is made of messed up KitKats.
“You have a cool left ear!” — this is one of the weirdest compliments that women once got. Imagine what you’d say: “Well, thank you! But what’s wrong with the other one, dude?” To help you avoid hearing such nontrivial things, we’ve selected 10 products that’ll make you the envy of everyone.Prepare for the flood of admiration and the cloud of awe that await you. There is only one downside: You’ll hear the never-ending chorus of “Where did you find that? Gimme the link now!”
Eating before swimming doesn’t cause cramps. Everyone knows that you have to wait at least 30 minutes after eating to go swimming. If you don’t, you might cramp up or, even worse, sink! This is actually not true. Our bodies are perfectly adapted to swim while full! If you do happen to get a cramp while in the pool for any reason, just relax and float, and you’ll be feeling fine soon enough!
Good news for coffee and tea lovers — both drinks benefit your health. People who prefer drinking tea have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. While those who drink a cup or two of coffee in the morning also tend to have a lower risk of heart problems. Not only do these drinks taste good, but they are such a great help to your body.To celebrate their benefits, Bright Side decided to compile a list of things that could make your hot beverage experience a lot cozier.
Keeping your fridge clean and tidy is a task many of us put off or ignore altogether. This is especially true considering that some people have as many as 2 refrigerators at home, sometimes even more. But believe us, a few handy organizers, combined with a creative approach, can dramatically change the state of things.Thanks to the products in this selection from Bright Side, you will not have to spend ages rummaging through crowded shelves for the right products. You’ll be surprised at how the interior of your refrigerator can change in an instant with a little work.
Have you ever thought about growing your own vegetable garden? There are many benefits. Fresh vegetables not only promote health, but also provide your body with vitamins. Another important aspect is saving money on buying vegetables at the market. You also solve the problem of the limited availability of seasonal products in winter and have your favorite ingredients throughout the year without leaving the house.In this article, Bright Side has compiled the most useful tips for a winter balcony garden that will create a bright open space and green your home.
As we all probably know, eating the right foods at the right time is what keeps our health on track. However, there are some foods that don’t go well together, even if they are both equally healthy. It’s important to keep in mind that there are food combinations that can be detrimental to our health, no matter how many health benefits each of them has. Nevertheless, it’s advisable to consult with your nutritionist before making any changes to your diet.
The food we like may be linked to our taste buds, as some people have more taste buds and some have fewer. Supertasters are people who have an abundance of taste buds. This category has intense loves and dislikes for foods. Subtasters, on the other hand, have a low number of taste buds and are unexcited about most meals. The people in the between are called average tasters. While you’re deciding which type you are, here’s a list of some of the most strange dietary habits and preferences of famous celebrities that might make your head spin.
Although Indonesian women have a lot of sun exposure on their skin, they still manage to look gorgeous. As many cultures do, they use their own national resources that are different from others. Some secrets are ancient but still effective and can bring great benefits to the whole body.
Nowadays, there are many ways to take care of your beauty and health, but Indian people try to find the core source of it all, which includes digestion issues, as problems with the stomach can lead to many different diseases, including skin problems and fast aging.
Interactions between plants and humans have been proven to be exceptionally important for one’s health and well-being. Not only for the traditional remedies we know, like tea and body creams, but for our overall mental health and relaxation.
Breastfeeding is one of the most intimate moments you can share with your baby. It promotes healthy weight gain, makes your baby experience fewer digestive problems, such as colic or gas, and strengthens their immune system. However, this experience can also be rather challenging, especially for new moms.
We’re getting closer to Christmas and nearly every bakery is offering a delicious seasonal treat — crunchy, mouth-watering gingerbread cookies. If you waited the whole year to finally try them, we have good news for you. Gingerbread cookies contain lots of healthy spices, such as cloves, cinnamon, and ginger, and if you enjoy them in moderation, they can actually benefit your health in many surprising ways.
Whether it’s for an important event, like a wedding, or for everyday wear, it’s important to feel comfortable with your body image. Depending on your style, makeup will be part of your look to a greater or lesser extent, and learning how to apply it is not something that can be done in 15 minutes. Luckily, there are professionals who don’t hold back when it comes to their knowledge or opinion, and when people ask for advice on what to apply and how to do it, they share their wisdom without expecting anything in return.
There are around 450,000 plant species out there, while 35,000 to 70,000 of them are used specifically for medicine globally. Because of that, it can be hard to pick the one you want to grow indoors — especially with all the benefits certain plants can have.
There are a few folklore stories about people whose hair turned white overnight. For example, an English lawyer, Sir Thomas More, reportedly went totally gray the night before his execution. Even though scientists are not too keen on supporting the story, there are still many things about gray hair we don’t know.
The lifestyle of Indian women is established at a young age. They have their own way of keeping their beauty natural and healthy, having learned it as kids. With their organic foods and positive beliefs, they are full of knowledge about natural beauty and what helps to bring out the best in the body to look youthful at any age.
Whether you work from home or in an office, headaches are never welcome. Surprisingly, strong winds or even your bra could be giving you headaches. Here’s a fact you might not know — headaches can be inherited. This means that if one of your parents suffers from regular headaches, you might have a 50% greater chance of getting them as well. Here at Bright Side, we put together a list of little changes you can make while sitting at your desk, so you can avoid painful, throbbing headaches and enjoy your day.
The decision to have a pet requires taking on responsibility. We study all sorts of sources about taking care and raising a pet and prepare ourselves mentally. But sometimes, things don’t go the way we planned, and the animals themselves choose us from thousands of other people, as if they’re saying, “Human, you’re mine.”
Weight loss is often a slow business, so you wish there was a way to speed things up a little. Well, go ahead and rejoice dieting people, because there are many indirect means to burn more calories, suppress your appetite, and improve your muscle tone.
Detox water is not just some fleeting hype. Studies show that it really helps your body to get rid of toxins, lose weight, and boost energy levels. But there are also some effective ingredients for these drinks, aside from lemon and ginger, that you can easily find at home.
A runny nose, a scratchy throat, and nonstop sneezing — sounds like you’re dealing with a pesky cold. You might not have the appetite of a grizzly bear at the moment, but you still have to eat something. The right foods can help strengthen your immune system and improve your symptoms sooner, while the wrong foods can make you feel even worse.
Sneezing is a natural process that helps your nose get rid of germs and irritating particles. The way you sneeze is unique and depends not only on your individual anatomy but also on social conditioning. According to a survey, people’s public sneezes are very often different than their private sneezes, which means you can learn to sneeze quieter. But you have to keep in mind that forcefully holding in a sneeze is not recommended, as it can be dangerous. Bright Side collected safe tips to help loud sneezers lower the volume a bit.
The average woman spends over $300 per month on beauty products and cosmetic procedures, according to research. That equates to approximately $3,700 a year and over $220,000 over the course of a lifetime, though a lot of objects of expenditure can be replaced with home procedures. At the very least, we all can make our own face masks with natural ingredients instead of buying them.
Red hair is the rarest hair color among people in the world, which could explain our fascination with it. Whether it’s natural or even dyed red hair, we can’t stop being mesmerized by gingers. Fortunately, there are a lot of famous redheads out there for us to admire and be in awe of.
In the office, at a shopping mall, or on a walk with your kid — exhaustion can creep up at the most inopportune moments. Sometimes fatigue is caused by stress and lack of exercise, and sometimes we can feel exhausted because of a poor diet and working environment. But wherever you are and whatever you do, there’s a way to boost your energy without 10 cups of coffee or 10 hours of sleep.
Nearly half the adult human population experiences a headache at least once a year, according to this study. There are many types of headaches like migraines, cluster headaches and those that arise due to tension, problems with eyesight or sinuses. Those caused by tension are the most common and affect about 1.6 billion people.
There’s an adage that says the way to a man’s heart (or a woman’s, for that matter) is through his stomach. Culinary skills are essential to everyone—from people living alone, to moms and dads who have a family to feed—yet most of us shy away from cooking, finding it too perturbing.
If you think that lemons are only good for lemon pies and refreshing drinks, then this article will make you think again. Delicious citrus can be far more useful than you could imagine. Bright yellow fruits have a lot of health and beauty benefits, ranging from cancer defense to acne scar treatment. What’s not to like about lemons — they’re available, cheap and good for your health.
We, ladies, are so different, but there’s one thing that unites us. Yes, period cramps. You can hardly find a woman who hasn’t experienced them at least once in her life, and most of us experience them regularly. Every month, millions of women around the world wish to change bodies with men so as not to experience this pain — or at least have a treatment that can help them stand straight. Hold on, ladies! Bright Side has found 13 ways to help you fight those lady pains and easily survive this time of the month. Check them out!
You don’t have to take tons of pills to be healthy. All you really need to do is fill your blender with delicious ingredients, and you’ll get exactly what you need every day.