
A Girl Fakes Losing Her Passport to Avoid Babysitting Her Nephews, and Asks Public If She Did the Right Thing

A Girl Fakes Losing Her Passport to Avoid Babysitting Her Nephews, and Asks Public If She Did the Right Thing

Babysitting can be a challenging and rewarding experience, but sometimes it can also be overwhelming and stressful. That’s what a 17-year-old girl felt when she was expected to take care of her nephews during a family trip to Disneyland. She decided to opt out of the vacation by pretending to lose her passport at the airport, and then enjoyed a week of peace and quiet at home. She shared her story on Reddit, seeking the public’s opinion on whether she made a smart or selfish choice for her well-being.

12 Stories of Strangers Whose Actions Can’t Be Forgotten

12 Stories of Strangers Whose Actions Can’t Be Forgotten
6 months ago

Some people turn to social media to tell stories of unforgettable encounters with strangers, showing the power of human connection. These moments remind us of the beauty of chance meetings and encourage us to appreciate the magic of unexpected connections with strangers.

A Man Who’s 90% Covered in Ink, Says He Was Hidden From Bosses at Work Because of His Tattoos

A Man Who’s 90% Covered in Ink, Says He Was Hidden From Bosses at Work Because of His Tattoos
year ago

Matthew Whelen is an honored bearer of the “most tattooed man” title in Britain. This guy loves tattoos so much he first started doing them when he was nine. He has spent more than 1,500 hours being inked and once 36 artists worked on his body simultaneously. Now Matthew is showing another side of being in love with body art, as he faces some huge problems at work and in his everyday life.

My Husband Got Me and Another Woman Pregnant at the Same Time, and Here’s the Decision I Made

My Husband Got Me and Another Woman Pregnant at the Same Time, and Here’s the Decision I Made

All families have probably faced situations where it’s hard to make a decision in the moment. But Jenna Herrera’s family experienced a real-life miracle, with Jenna and another woman getting pregnant at the same time by Jenna’s husband. The amazed woman posted a video on TikTok explaining how her pregnancy almost coincided with another woman’s, and what she and her husband are planning to do with the whole situation.

Always Keep a Bread Clip in Your Wallet When Traveling, Here’s Why

Always Keep a Bread Clip in Your Wallet When Traveling, Here’s Why

If you’re going on vacation, I’m sure you forgot to pack a couple of useful items, like a crayon or a pillowcase. I have collected the best travel tips for your ultimate vacation. You should carefully think about when you are planning to go somewhere. In case you have some kind of flexibility, just forget about going on a trip in July. You don’t need to travel during the busy season: it’s too expensive and there are way too many people.

7 Unexplained Parallel Universe Stories

7 Unexplained Parallel Universe Stories
year ago

It was July 1954, a scorching hot day: a man arrived at Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan. He had recently landed from a plane flying over from Europe. There was nothing unusual about him at first glance: he was elegantly dressed, with no distinguishing features. He was just a simple man sporting a beard. He made his way to customs, just as all the other people surrounding him. The customs officer picked up this man’s passport. As soon as he started to browse through its pages, the officer immediately noticed something was wrong. The traveler reassured him: “Oh, I come from a faraway country, but this is my third time visiting Japan!” What was it with that man’s passport that was so unusual, that they thought he was a fraud? Or a spy? Or, most intriguing of them all, a time traveler?

If You Kept a Plastic Bottle in Your Car, Don’t Drink from It

If You Kept a Plastic Bottle in Your Car, Don’t Drink from It

Leaving your valuables or a chocolate bar in a car is a no-brainer, but there are other things people often overlook. Here’s what to watch out for before leaving your car.Number one is aerosol cans: hairspray, deodorant, spray paint, household cleaner, and sorts. On the back of these cans, you might notice a storage temperature recommendation. Well, stick to that. Here’s what can happen. Since these cans are pressurized, they become more sensitive to temperature. What’s inside the aerosol may expand, and this may result in a crack. And then, the can can blow up. Temperatures above 120 degrees Fahrenheit are already alarming. And it can easily get as hot as that in your car on a warm summer day.

10 Trendy Bags From Amazon That You Better Grab While They Are in Stock

10 Trendy Bags From Amazon That You Better Grab While They Are in Stock
2 years ago

Choosing a bag is an important mission for many of us because there are so many criteria a perfect bag should meet. Whether you are looking for a spacious tote bag that can fit everything you may need during a long working day (including a laptop and more!) or an elegant handbag that will nicely compliment your evening gown, go to Amazon and you won’t be disappointed. We selected 10 trendy bags that Amazon customers have already appreciated to make your choice a bit easier.

20+ Facts That Prove Life in Microstates Is Like Living in a Parallel Universe

20+ Facts That Prove Life in Microstates Is Like Living in a Parallel Universe
3 years ago

Microstates are surrounded by myths. For instance, many people believe that only multimillionaires live in Monaco and only the priesthood lives in the Vatican. But usually, legends appear around something that causes interest. That’s because the majority of us have no idea what it’s like to live in a country that you can walk through in just one day.

What 16 Popular Beauties of the Past Looked Like at Different Ages, Proving Their Charm Is Timeless

What 16 Popular Beauties of the Past Looked Like at Different Ages, Proving Their Charm Is Timeless
10 months ago

When Botox and fillers were unknown to us, and plastic surgery was not as widespread as it is now, everyone was aging at the behest of nature. However, wrinkles and gray hair can never spoil natural beauty, since attractiveness has nothing to do with the age indicated on your passport. We compared photos of iconic movie stars of the 20th century at different ages to confirm once again that beauty knows no limits, and it only grows over time.

20 Pics That Could Be Placed Next to “Bad Day” in the Dictionary

20 Pics That Could Be Placed Next to “Bad Day” in the Dictionary
3 years ago

Your dog chewing your passport just before a trip, going to work with mismatched shoes and only realizing hours later, or paying a ton for an awful haircut — sometimes luck just isn’t on our side at all. But the good news is that these horrible moments usually pass quickly and become stories that we can laugh about later.

20 Bright Siders Shared Their Unusual Trip Memories That Most People Wouldn’t Dare to Reveal

20 Bright Siders Shared Their Unusual Trip Memories That Most People Wouldn’t Dare to Reveal
3 years ago

Many people dream of traveling to other countries around the world. However, to do so, you need to take into consideration all of the things you’ll need in the countries you’re visiting. We’re talking about simple things like your passport, maybe a visa (if necessary), and why not a dictionary to be able to communicate with the locals in case you don’t speak their language. But there’s more to traveling than that. Sometimes, you can prepare for everything, but still end up in some strange and funny situation because of a misunderstanding. And that’s where the most fun memories on trips are created, as these 20 Bright Siders showed us.

10 Things British Royals Do That Might Be Confusing for the Rest of Us

10 Things British Royals Do That Might Be Confusing for the Rest of Us
3 years ago

Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom is in charge of running one of the most stable and oldest monarchies in history. She’s also one of the most talked-about people now that details about her and her family’s complex private life are coming to light thanks to Netflix’s The Crown, among other things. The members of the British monarchy are used to living according to a set of rules and habits that make their daily life a fascinating experience for any commoner.

17 People Stayed in Hotels That Gave Them Extra Grey Hair

17 People Stayed in Hotels That Gave Them Extra Grey Hair
4 years ago

How bad can a hotel possibly be? It could be dirty or it might have bad pillows. But what if the toilet is right in the middle of the room or what if the room has no bed at all? Internet users talked about the hotels they’ve stayed at and we didn’t know how to feel while we were reading these stories.

20+ Secrets Airport Workers Don’t Tell Ordinary Passengers About

20+ Secrets Airport Workers Don’t Tell Ordinary Passengers About
year ago

We, as passengers, only want our flight to be on time and our baggage to be delivered safely, and airport employees have a lot of work because check-in and security checks are only the tip of the iceberg. From the moment you enter the airport building and until the moment you land, you are constantly watched. All your pre-flight procedures are a compromise between safety and speed.

20 Facts About the French We Had to Double-Check to Believe

20 Facts About the French We Had to Double-Check to Believe
4 years ago

There are probably a countless number of stereotypes about each country and nation. Some of them are true and some of them are just strange. France and the French are lucky in this aspect, because they are believed to have very positive qualities: elegance, being stylish, and being passionate. Of course, these things are true, but we should all understand that behind every stereotype, there is a rich and deep national character.

10 Weird Facts About the World That’ll Baffle You

10 Weird Facts About the World That’ll Baffle You
2 years ago

Why do female deer respond when they hear a human baby crying? Why do we sometimes forget where we were going and what we intended to do? Why does Pharaoh Ramesses II need a passport? Who used to steal Queen Victoria’s lingerie? There are so many questions! The good news is that we have answers to all of them!

20 Etiquette Rules on Public Transportation Every Passenger Should Remember

20 Etiquette Rules on Public Transportation Every Passenger Should Remember
year ago

Each child is taught basic manners: to give way to older people, to not make noise, and to respect other people’s space. But many, having matured, seem to have completely forgotten the rules of behavior on public transport. They won’t be fined or sued for these violations but their punishment will come in the form of a reproachful look or a fellow passenger’s angry remark.

7 Tricks From a Makeup Artist to Help You Look Younger

7 Tricks From a Makeup Artist to Help You Look Younger
Girls stuff
year ago

You can hardly find a woman who doesn’t want to stay young and attractive for as long as possible. But wrinkles and other changes don’t mean that beauty is a thing of the past. We at Bright Side are pretty sure that women can look gorgeous at any age, and we asked a makeup artist to share tricks that will help emphasize your natural beauty and divert attention from the numbers in your passport.