
9 Ways Eating Yogurt Can Change Your Body

9 Ways Eating Yogurt Can Change Your Body
year ago

One of the oldest foods in the world, packed with beneficial bacteria and full of great taste, and with a lot of health benefits, yogurt, is always a good choice. Or is it? Although all yogurts start out plain and simple, by the time they make it to our fridge, most have been heavily processed.

What Experienced Travelers Often Skip at Hotel Buffets

What Experienced Travelers Often Skip at Hotel Buffets
Tips & tricks
2 weeks ago

The allure of a hotel breakfast buffet is undeniable. Mountains of fluffy pancakes, colorful arrays of pastries, and the promise of endless coffee can make even the most disciplined eater weak in the knees. But beneath the glistening facade of abundance lies a minefield of potential pitfalls. Experienced travelers, armed with knowledge and a touch of healthy skepticism, know exactly what to skip to ensure a satisfying and safe start to their day.

10 New Great Amazon Finds That Are Meant to Make Your Life Easier

10 New Great Amazon Finds That Are Meant to Make Your Life Easier
year ago

Sometimes mistakes can be lucky. One of the most commonly used office supplies, the Post-it note, was invented by accident. When one scientist was trying to create a strong adhesive but ended up with a weak one instead, his colleague created a bookmark that would stick to the page without damaging it. And the yellow paper was used for creating the prototypes just because it was the only paper left. This is how the product was born, and it now makes a lot of things much easier.Inspired by this story, we decided to find more useful creations that can be very handy in your daily life.

28 Tips to Make Your Life Run Smoothly

28 Tips to Make Your Life Run Smoothly

If you’re struggling with opening a container or a jar, don’t exert yourself too much. Just run the lid under hot water for half a minute, then dry it for a better grip, and see how it “magically” opens.

14 Eastern Culinary Secrets That Can Add Some Spice to Your Cooking

14 Eastern Culinary Secrets That Can Add Some Spice to Your Cooking
year ago

Middle Eastern cuisine is famous for its vivid colors and flavors. It is also renowned for its unusual cooking tricks that don’t require any exotic ingredients or spices and can be quickly adopted, even by beginners. So let’s look together at how to make our dishes more colorful with the help of some Middle Eastern cuisine secrets.

26 Things That Have More Than Their Obvious Purposes

26 Things That Have More Than Their Obvious Purposes

It should come as no surprise that most things around us seem to have a hidden purpose. Hey, down at the aquarium, they have a hidden “porpoise”, but I digress. Please tell me in the comments if you liked my joke, or about how many of these 26 multi-porpoise thingamabobs you knew about before. It’s cool either way. Let’s go!

A Banana Stuffer From Amazon Will Set Off a Firework of Flavors in Your Kitchen

A Banana Stuffer From Amazon Will Set Off a Firework of Flavors in Your Kitchen
year ago

Feeding fiber to children is sometimes not an easy task. In the meantime, fruits and vegetables are necessary for our body, for the normal functioning of the intestines, and to provide the body with the necessary vitamins to maintain good health. It also reduces the risk of infectious diseases. Parents are ready to try all sorts of tricks to add good things to their children’s meals. But perhaps with our idea, children will willingly take up eating a healthy snack. And check out the bonus section at the end of this article for more fun food items!

6 Natural Beauty Hacks You’ll Likely Want to Adopt Immediately

6 Natural Beauty Hacks You’ll Likely Want to Adopt Immediately
Girls stuff
2 years ago

Beauty secrets have been around for ages, and they’ve been used by many to maintain a healthy, firm glow. All over the world, women of different cultures have shared their love for charming, natural, alluring potions. So here are some beauty tips that are still respected today, from skin care and hair care to overall well-being — but keep in mind that we are not medical experts, and the advice of a doctor or other health professional is always essential.

12 Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes for All-Day Energy in 2022

12 Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes for All-Day Energy in 2022
2 years ago

Smoothie recipes abound on the internet, and we can make whatever we want for a specific diet, as a pre-workout drink, or simply to cool off in the summer heat. These recipes are simple to make and can be found in a local store, and a smoothie can provide a lot of nutrition. Smoothies can also be customized to your liking.

7+ Easy Meal Ideas & Recipes for One Person

7+ Easy Meal Ideas & Recipes for One Person
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

Even though cooking for one can be challenging, the best meals more often only call for a few simple ingredients and little effort. Thus, if you think you’re hopeless at cooking, try drawing inspiration from some recipes for one person that even our favorite celebrities have tried and nailed.

The Top 13 Traditional Indian Dishes of 2022

The Top 13 Traditional Indian Dishes of 2022
2 years ago

Indian cuisine is well-known worldwide because Indians are skilled at combining spices and flavors. Their culinary wit is unrivaled, and their food is always aromatic and tasty. That is why most of the dishes are popular and enjoyed by others. Whether it is a traditional Indian meal or not, those spices will wake you up.At Bright Side, we compiled some of the Indian food out there, and some of these meals made our mouths water!

Unique Side of Turkey That Not Many People Know About

Unique Side of Turkey That Not Many People Know About
year ago

Turkey is an amazing country with centuries-old traditions that can take a lifetime to learn. For example, we were surprised to find out that Turks add yogurt to multiple dishes, have hairspray in men’s restrooms, and cover their cars with rugs, which are just a few fascinating facts about Turkey that can surprise even those who visit this country on a regular basis.

5 Dangerous Food Combinations We Should Avoid

5 Dangerous Food Combinations We Should Avoid
2 years ago

As we all probably know, eating the right foods at the right time is what keeps our health on track. However, there are some foods that don’t go well together, even if they are both equally healthy. It’s important to keep in mind that there are food combinations that can be detrimental to our health, no matter how many health benefits each of them has. Nevertheless, it’s advisable to consult with your nutritionist before making any changes to your diet.

7 Daily Habits That May Ruin Your Stomach

7 Daily Habits That May Ruin Your Stomach
2 years ago

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach may increase the level of acid in the stomach and lead to bloating. Such researches are not new to us, but there are more habits that can ruin our digestive system and we’re even unaware of them.

9 Things From Different Countries That Are Worth Incorporating Into Your Life

9 Things From Different Countries That Are Worth Incorporating Into Your Life
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

We live in a big world, with a myriad of cultures and habits we may find a little strange at first. For instance, in Iceland, Christmas Eve is all about exchanging books and spent reading in a cozy nook with some chocolate. While we all love an iced drink to cool off from the heat in the summer, in some Asian countries, water is nearly always had hot, never mind the weather. The thing is, a lot of these habits have solid scientific backing.

10 Foods That Are Good to Eat Past Their Expiration Dates

10 Foods That Are Good to Eat Past Their Expiration Dates
2 years ago

There are a few different labels on products that inform you about the freshness of food. For example, “sell by” labels are just so stores know when to pull a product from their shelves. “Best if used by” labels tell us that it might still be safe to eat something after that date, but its flavor might not be the same. So maybe those dates aren’t exactly an indicator that we should throw products away and buy fresh ones.

11 Things That Suddenly Became Popular Thanks to Movies

11 Things That Suddenly Became Popular Thanks to Movies
2 years ago

When creating movies, people draw inspiration from the real world. But sometimes, the things that appear on screens influence viewers and make them change their tastes and habits. Sometimes, such an effect is a good marketing move that helps push a certain product. But often, movie creators get really surprised by the behavior of the public.

15 Pics Proving That Perfection Does Exist

15 Pics Proving That Perfection Does Exist
3 years ago

Sometimes life doesn’t allow you to catch a break — everything seems a bit odd, disorganized, and frustratingly random. However, every once in a while, life presents us with a moment that is just splendid — the stars align, the sun shines bright, and the foil has no yogurt stuck on it. We at Bright Side want to show you 15 pictures that will give your spirit rest and present the perfectionists among you with a meditative experience.

10 Skincare Secrets Indian Women Swear By to Look Ageless

10 Skincare Secrets Indian Women Swear By to Look Ageless
Girls stuff
3 years ago

In India, there are more than 19,500 native languages. This means that every ingredient in the kitchen has several names. Many of these can turn into a quick pick-me-up for the skin. The ingredients most of us use to cook, Indian women also use to look ageless. Even if they call them by different names.

What Sushi Face Is, and 5 Ways to Avoid It

What Sushi Face Is, and 5 Ways to Avoid It
3 years ago

If you’ve ever enjoyed your favorite Japanese dish and woke up the next morning looking swollen, you might be familiar with what Julianne Moore calls a “sushi face.” The actress says she never eats sushi the night before a big event because she knows her face will be puffy. While we commonly associate certain foods with stomach bloating, as it turns out, some of them may make your face puffy as well.

10 Ways to Heal a Burnt Tongue After Eating Hot Food

10 Ways to Heal a Burnt Tongue After Eating Hot Food
3 years ago

As it turns out, the cheeks and throat both have taste buds. But when we burn our tongues, the additional taste buds are of no use and we have to taste food in a different way. This pain leaves us no other choice but to feverishly look for immediate soothing remedies. Luckily, there are some solutions that can bring you instant relief without emptying your pockets.

What Could Happen If We Eat Mold by Mistake

What Could Happen If We Eat Mold by Mistake
4 years ago

Picture this: you finally take the first bite of your favorite sandwich and realize the bread’s covered in mold! This has probably happened to you once or twice, and you likely worried about the possible consequences. And, in fact, there are a few different ways the body can react to this.

Halle Berry’s Skin Guru Shares Tips on How to Look Ageless

Halle Berry’s Skin Guru Shares Tips on How to Look Ageless
Girls stuff
4 years ago

If you need some professional tips on how to improve your beauty routine, Olga Lorencin is the one who can help you. She has spent over 20 years working in skin care and studying cosmetic ingredients. Celebrities like Halle Berry have entrusted her with their beauty routines and we can definitely see the results.

10 Tricks to Control How Much You Eat Without Feeling Hungry

10 Tricks to Control How Much You Eat Without Feeling Hungry
4 years ago

Dieting can be very hard and time-consuming, and it probably leaves you with a feeling of hunger more often than not. But we have good news for you: the Internet is filled with little habits you can teach yourself that will help reduce how much you want to eat without getting cravings throughout the day.

9 Popular Beauty Products That Are Actually Useless

9 Popular Beauty Products That Are Actually Useless
year ago

Do you use a day cream, face scrub, or toner on a daily basis? If so, are you sure that your skin really needs all these products? Turns out, we waste millions of dollars every year on useless beauty items that can’t actually minimize our pores, plump our cheeks, or fix those little wrinkles around our eyes. Unfortunately, we don’t even think of this and continue wasting our money as our eyes are attracted to cute packaging and colorful ads on TV.

I Moved to Paris 4 Years Ago and Life Here Is Tougher Than You Think

I Moved to Paris 4 Years Ago and Life Here Is Tougher Than You Think
year ago

In 2014, I made an important decision to make a big change in my life. I left my ordinary life in Kiev, I packed my stuff, and I moved to Paris. This sounds like the beginning of a romantic movie but in fact, it was nothing like a beautiful story about cozy French restaurants, hot croissants, and the view of the Eiffel tower from my window.

9 Foods That Are Safe to Eat Even at Night

9 Foods That Are Safe to Eat Even at Night
year ago

For some people, eating at night is a nightmare, and for some — it’s a constant reason for jokes. However, this process can be made very easy and harmless if you substitute donuts and sausages with healthy foods such as cheese and popcorn.

10 Foods to Avoid If You Want a Flat Stomach

10 Foods to Avoid If You Want a Flat Stomach
2 years ago

Who doesn’t dream of having the perfect flat stomach? Belly fat is one heck of a stubborn thing to shed, even for those who spend hours sweating at the gym. Also, abdominal obesity has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other metabolic and vascular diseases. Following the right exercise routine, a proper diet, and a healthy lifestyle will help you achieve the tummy of your dreams.

15 Ways to Use Honey Only Few People Know About, but Now You Will Too

15 Ways to Use Honey Only Few People Know About, but Now You Will Too
year ago

Most people are aware of how amazing honey is for sweetening your food when you don’t want to use sugar or how perfectly it softens your cakes and cookies. But honey is so much more than just a tasty treat, it has dozens of other uses due to its healing and antibiotic properties. No wonder that in Ancient Egypt it was used as a medicine more often than any other substance.

7 Harmful Foods We Often Give to Our Children

7 Harmful Foods We Often Give to Our Children
2 years ago

Many children start eating foods that contain a lot of sugar at a very young age. This causes a child’s taste buds to reduce their sensitivity, so normal food doesn’t seem appealing anymore. There are also foods that children shouldn’t eat because of the physiological characteristics of their body.

17 Anti-Aging Foods to Boost Glowing Skin

17 Anti-Aging Foods to Boost Glowing Skin
2 years ago

If eyes are the window to your soul, then skin is the window to your health. Your skin reflects what you eat, that’s why topical creams and lotions can only do so much for your skin’s appearance. Since aging starts from the inside out, it’s only logical to start caring for your skin from the inside out by eating right.