20+ Pets Who Love Their Owners So Much, You Can See It in Their Eyes

3 years ago

Sometimes, a person’s best friend is a furry animal companion. Pets are loveable and loyal, even when you dress them up in funny costumes or prop them up in hilarious poses for social media. From the time we first bring them home to the years we spend with our pets, our love for them radiates brightly in our eyes.

At Bright Side, we gathered 23 moments that showcase the undeniable love between an owner and their pet, which is clearly visible in their eyes.

1. “My parents live in LA and are fostering these kittens until their owners or other homes are found. Fostering because of the fire.”

Your parents are heroes! © tomorrowistomato / Reddit

2. “Find someone that looks at you the way our kitten looks at my husband.”

The kitten he didn’t want and I quote, “I want nothing to do with it, I won’t pay any vet bills and definitely won’t give it any attention!” © nevernomuffintops / Reddit

3. “First time being carried after being rescued”

4. “She’ll grow up to be a loyal one, mark my words!”

5. “The love in those eyes is palpable.”

6. “That’s total trust, a rare and beautiful thing.”

7. “That’s an award-winning smile.”

8. “We just adopted Bella and she really likes my fiancé.”

9. “Brought this girl home from the shelter a week ago. Her smile says it all.”

10. “My pig’s selfie game is strong.”

11. “This is what I look forward to every day.”

12. “Such a happy dog getting her piggyback ride!”

13. “This is sunshine in a picture.”

14. “I love the way she looks at me.”

15. “This is how my dog sleeps with me every night.”

16. “This picture felt like a hug.”

17. “We just got her a week ago.”

18. “These 2 are forever friends.”

19. “A happy dog with a smile of pure comfort”

20. “This is the smile I get during belly rubs.”

21. “Dogs are wonderful, but with cats, you have to earn that love.”

22. “Rey is obviously in love. Look at that face.”

23. “Mitus loving grandma. He is so gentle with her but crazy hyper with anyone else!”

Does your pet give you loving stares of affection? Share your adorable photos with us in the comments!

Please note: This article was updated in January 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit nevernomuffintops / Reddit


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