Y'know it's not the dogs' fault but your own on why dogs are so aggressive, people.
8 Dogs That Are Banned in Different Countries
Many countries in the world regulate certain dog breeds. This happens due to their potential danger to society and aggressiveness. They are banned completely or restricted in the form of obligatory microchipping, obtaining a special permit, mandatory sterilization, and special conditions for keeping them. In some countries, it is even necessary to provide the owner’s criminal record and a psychological certification.
We at Bright Side found out which breeds are banned and restricted the most. But we strongly believe that there are no aggressive dogs, there is just improper upbringing. And even though they are considered dangerous, we think they can be lovely furballs in a loving family.
8. Presa Canario
This breed opens the list with 8 countries regulating them. They may look intimidating, but they are actually level-headed and calm doggies that are devoted to their humans.
7. Rottweiler
6. American Staffordshire Terrier
5. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
This doggie is one of the dog-fighting breeds. Despite this, they are friendly and tender pups and recommended as family dogs. But 12 countries worldwide think the opposite and have either prohibited or restricted them.
4. Brazilian Mastiff
3. Tosa
2. Dogo Argentino
And again we have 18 countries in the world that regulate these dogs. This time the number is for this snow-white Argentinian beauty. Luckily, at least in their homeland they don’t have restrictions and can have loving owners.
1. Pit Bull
Do you think any of these puppies are dangerous? Do you have a doggie? What breed is it?
I have a pitbull and sure as heck is not aggressive
pitbulls are one of the nicest dogs if you train them properly, so friendly and playful
I know right
dogs are cute but not these
All dogs are cute
Never the dogs....just the owners.
It all depends on how you raise the dog and how you train them. We had a Rott German Shepherd and she was one of the sweetest dogs ever
no such thing as s bad dog. It's bad owners
pretty sure they ban them because of the people who can't handle their pets properly
Pitbulls were originally called "Nanny Dogs"
Every dog and cat should be socialised.
people that do not socialise are setting the animals up for failure.
This frequently happens when someone wants a dog for dogfighting. ANYONE who is involved in it should be banned from owning ANY living creature for the rest of their lives.
l have also worked at an Animal Welfare Organisation and got used to many breeds incl some of the supposed ones on the danger lists. They were phenomenally sweet and would pretty much do anything for some love and attention. It's the Owners who are usually the Problems.
the cutest doggies :(

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