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There are many things in the world that can confuse us. But instead of torturing yourself by trying to figure it out on your own, whether it’s an odd shiny object or something that you found inside your Amazon package, other internet users almost definitely have the solution you need. These mysterious objects we have today found their exact purpose, except the very last one. We hope you can help us figure out what it is.
“Microplastic particles. Probably to show how Nike helps to clean up our planet.” SimilarContext / Reddit
“The membrane from a kazoo.” papagiorgio2018 / Reddit
“Snack plate. The circle is for a cup to rest in.” bristolcities / Reddit
“It’s a sensor to turn the heated sidewalk on and off.” P****man / Reddit
“It’s a late 19th or early 20th C cast iron fence post for a wire fence.” Hedgerow_Snuffler
“Looks like a bottle brush.” The_C0u5 / Reddit
“It’s likely for cleaning. I have one for my cast iron pans, for example, that is pretty similar. You can scour with these!” DRARCOX / Reddit
“It’s a sewing notion holder for a sewing machine. Hangs off the lower arm of the machine for you to drop pins into as you run fabric through the sewing machine.” SecretAgentAwesome / Reddit
“Miniature robot” nitro*** / Reddit
“It’s a baking dish for something called pocket cakes. Looks to be part of a set.” stacyeatstoast / Reddit
“Steel ’soap’ bar.” breaktime1 / Reddit
“It’s for lemon squeezing.” QueenMelle / Reddit
“It’s part of a Chatelaine cloak button. The pins are (or simulate?) jet, a coal-based gemstone that was used for Victorian mourning jewelry. The chain would have originally had mementos on small drop chains.” Cod-End / Reddit
“It looks almost like a massive honey dipper.” Rhys_Herbert / Reddit