15 Confusing Pics We Need Special Instructions to Understand

year ago

Our eyes can often confuse our minds in the form of optical illusions. And scientists say the way our brains process the world around us can reveal a lot about ourselves. According to one theory, many illusions prove that our minds try to predict the future, but these presumptions about our surroundings can often be wrong.

We at Bright Side made a list of 15 accidental shots that prove perspective matters most when it comes to how we perceive the world.

1. “Flying kayak”

2. “Big woman on a bike”

3. “I thought the driver of this car was just staring me down for no reason.”

4. “A gas station after a good downpour”

5. “My sleeping cat looks like it has 2 tails.”

6. “Found a baby arm in the wild.”

7. “Picasso Cubism in photography”

8. “Tiny dog in hand”

9. “The reflection of my lamp in my iPhone looks 3D.”

10. “Our neighbor’s broom seems to be levitating.”

11. “My shadow wears my shoes.”

12. Dua Lipa with the Hulk’s arm

13. “This cat on a bucket.”

14. “My wife took a pic while my nephew was climbing off the bed, and they look like my legs.”

15. “Floating upper body”

Have you ever taken a photo that really confused you? Share it with us in the comment section below!

Preview photo credit julex / Reddit


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