15+ People Whose Days Turned Special After a Fascinating Find

year ago

Everyone enjoys getting a gift every once in a while, and it just so happens that sometimes those gifts are from the universe itself. Whether it’s a crazy coincidence or one of Mother Nature’s true wonders, it’s good to never be too far away from a camera. On social media, those who photograph these sorts of surprises never fail to share their excitement with the world.

Bright Side rounded up a few pics that teach us to always keep our eyes peeled because the universe never wastes an opportunity to send thrilling things our way.

1. “A swarm of jellyfish gathered under this boat.”

2. “7 of my classmates accidentally had really similar clothing on today.”

3. “A mama deer that lives on our property came and showed us her baby.”

4. “My (very neglected) rose bush bloomed into the shape of a perfect heart.”

5. “My great-grandfather apparently was a pioneer of Photoshop. Every person pictured is him (circa 1910).”

6. “This stain on my espresso machine looks like Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th.”

7. “I found out my backpack came with a hidden whistle.”

8. “In a west Texas desert 30 miles outside of Marfa, there’s a stand-alone fake Prada store in the middle of nowhere.”

9. “The beams of this parking garage all have footprints on them.”

10. “A cool pyramid house I drove by”

11. “This plant is preventing itself from blooming.”

12. “My new place came with a toilet paper holder radio.”

13. “There’s a bat in my bag.”

14. “The inside of my jeans contains the Periodic Table of Elements.”

15. “My bananas after I left them in my car for 2 weeks”

16. The sky looks like an ocean wave.

When was the last time you saw something truly mind-blowing? If you snapped a pic of it, share it in the comments!

Preview photo credit Scoperzot / Reddit, skier2 / Reddit


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