I Refuse to Let My Irresponsible Stepdaughter Exploit Her Dad

Have you ever wondered what everyday things could reveal if you look at them from a different angle or just a little closer? In fact, the inside of an ordinary guitar looks like a luxury apartment. It’s also possible to count all the stitches on a cornea after transplantation. And a bowling ball turns out to have a weight block that gives it the necessary momentum to roll down the lane properly.
Bright Side is excited to show you a completely new universe that exists inside everyday things!
A Reddit user’s girlfriend recently received a cornea transplant. These are her stitches.
The photo The Fourth Wall: Stages of Cuvilliés-Theater, Munich, was taken by Klaus Frahm.
Atrina vexillum pearls were photographed by Alain.R.Truong.
A chinook from Columbia Helicopters takes part in the installation operation.
Tortoise Skeleton, Cross-section is a photograph by Colin Keates for the Natural History Museum.
Paweł Poljański found fame when posting this photo after the 2017 Tour de France.
We often see this shiny box, but how many of you give a second thought to what’s inside when renting a DVD?
This is a weight block that helps give the ball the momentum to roll down the lane properly.
Photographed from a shuttle training aircraft, space shuttle Endeavour flies toward Earth’s orbit to rendezvous with the International Space Station.
We were all once this small!
This photograph of one of 3 CT scanners at a medical tower at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett in Washington was taken by Dan Bates.
This selfie was taken by Dean Carriere in 2013 among the flags and garbage of his forerunners.
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