19 Photos That Are Like a Peaceful Oasis in a World of Chaos

2 years ago

Everyone needs a breath of fresh air from time to time. This can be a purring pet on our lap, a laughing child, or a good deed from a stranger. This helps us to remember that joy is in the little things and no matter what happens, everything will be better.

We at Bright Side want you to feel this peace with us, so we bring you these 19 photos that will make your day a little happier. Consider them a virtual hug!

1. This baby hummingbird is drinking juice from a raspberry.

2. Maternal instinct

3.Comfort level set to maximum

4. Enjoying a sunbath.

5. My daughter enjoying a sandwich in the Los Padres National Forest

6. That’s the perfect thing to do with those shoes.

7. My son’s first meeting with nature

8. Mama hedgehog watching over her baby brushes

9. These matching friends really made us smile.

10. Blacknose sheep look just like stuffed animals and make great pets.

11. We had a baby. Meet Waffles!

12. I guess my daughter isn’t impressed with her first bubble.

13. My nephew killed it on his school project about the late, great Stan Lee.

14. Lots of strange things happening in the world lately. Adopted this rescue kitty today to help make both our lives better.

15. An elderly woman who was born on February 29, 1920 celebrates her 25th birthday.

16. I told my plant she could be whatever she wanted to be, so she chose to be an Ogre.

17. My Moo brothers

18. Just some couple goals right here

19. All the dogs from this shelter have been adopted.

“All dogs have been adopted!”

What about you? What makes you feel better in difficult times? Share your experiences with us in the comments, maybe it will make someone else’s day brighter too!

Preview photo credit eternalrefuge86/Reddit


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#19 is the great example, I want to keep such a cute relationship when I get old too ?


the last one is the most wholesome thing, glad that all those cuties managed to find their homes ?


Photo number 3 makes me feel comfortable as well ??


Hedgehog babies are so cute! And look at the mom all tired of them but still looking after them ?


I wish my hair looked as good as those blacknose sheep hair haha


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