I would put my dinner in that...
20 People Who Met a Mischief With a Good Portion of Laughter
Our day may sometimes start with a chain of events that we hardly expected and planned. We may go to a hairdresser and get a “nightmare haircut”, or order something online and receive a package that may make us say, “Why?” But there are people who have a super-ability to laugh and smile at such misfortunes, proving that a good sense of humor can really save your day.
1. “Mother-in-law complained about the sun being in her eyes. I closed the blinds, turned around and saw this.”
2. “When you fracture your fingers just right.”
3. “A few years ago, my niece started kindergarten. She had a few rough days.”
4. “A guy from my old unit lost his legs last year. He found an additional use for his prosthetic leg.”
5. “Going to teach my baby colors!”
6. “The fitting room doors at the thrift store.”
7. “I can hardly tell them apart.”
8. “I feel this loaf should have been marked ’reduced carbs’”
9. “Behold my webbed toe tattoo!”
10. “I told my sister if she graduated with honors I would wear a matching dress to her graduation. ”
11. “Yeah I don’t think he likes the haircut.”
12. “Safety scissors. Ironic name for something that could cause such trouble.”
13. “Today my partner learned that you shouldn’t entrust your haircut to your girlfriend who has never even trimmed her own ends.”
14. “Sister-in-law absolutely nailed it.”
15. “Delivered a package this morning. Think I nailed it.”
16. “This is exactly what I needed.”
17. “Caught my girlfriend doing her makeup this morning.”
18. “Picked up a fancy cake for my husband on our anniversary.”
19. “If my eyebrows can survive 2008, I can survive anything.”
20. “Reference photo vs what I got.”
What is the most memorable thing that has ever happened to you and still makes you cringe and laugh at the same time?
Can someone tell me why the guy in the thrift store fitting room looks like Liam Payne from One Direction?
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