Cooking dinner with your daughter, making your mother’s wishes come true, falling in love, or finding your lost cat — the world is full of things that make our hearts beat faster. And it’s a real piece of luck when you have a camera at hand to capture these happy moments and share these overwhelming emotions with the rest of the world.
1. “My dog lost her puppies and got depressed, she didn’t eat and moved from her bed. And then...she adopted this kitten.”
2. “I’m a dad who has always been by my daughter’s side. This was the first Halloween I’ve missed because I had to work. She stayed with her grandparents. They bought costumes and sent me this pic.”
4. “My boyfriend took this photo. It’s the first time I’ve looked at a picture of myself and not felt disgusted. I’m happy that I finally can accept my own body.”
5. “My husband and I were planning on adopting a purebred dog. But when we stopped by the shelter, we saw this girl and found out she was born in the place where we spent our honeymoon.”
8. “Happy because I’ve never thought that things in my life would go so good. I’m 10 months sober, happily married, at a job I love, and I have this gray cat. It gets better y’all, never give up on life.”
9. “On this day, 8 years ago I proposed to my now-wife. It happened when my dad was getting his first round of chemo. He didn’t make it to his next birthday but he did see us get married.”
13. “After 4 years of infertility, I’m 28 weeks pregnant. My dog, Arthur loves to put his ear right on my belly. I think he can hear the baby’s heartbeat.”
15. “I don’t like cake, I like pie. My wife knows this. She is pregnant and gets tired easily but yesterday she spent all evening making me a birthday pie.”